Last days to visit Infranómadas curated by Santiago Rueda.
Casa Hoffmann announces the closing of its collective exhibition Infranómadas curated by Santiago Rueda, with participating artists from Brazil, Colombia, France, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay.

"The infranómadas constitute the great majority of the population of the world and they form the essence of its movement". This phrase, by Jaques Attaeil and his concept of infranomadismo define this sample, which, taking as gravitational axes the migratory and transitive currents that not only run in a South-North direction, explores nomadic conditions of life - by spirit, conviction, exile, dependence - pointing to the dynamics that (re) produce and face them: transnational predation, racism, economic migrations, political persecution, cultural annihilation. The problems presented here although they belong to very specific histories and geographies, resonate in the experiences and experiences common to all today.
exhibited artists: Barbarita Cardoso, Francilins Castilho, Camila Echeverría, Nadia Granados, Luis Hernández Mellizo, Iván Herrera, Andrés Moreno, Cristina Ochoa, Andrés Orjuela, Julio Orozco, Harold Ortiz, Edinson Quiñones, Ignacio Rodríguez, Luz María Sánchez, Mariana Saldarriaga, Alan Santamaría, Sector Reforma, Pierre Valls, Santiago Vélez, Eduardo Villanes, Gabriel Zea.
House Hoffmann. Carrera 3 # 63 - 68. Bogotá, Colombia.
Closing date: Saturday, 30 September 2017.
Visiting hours: Monday to Friday from 3 pm to 7 pm. Saturdays by appointment.