Lucia de la Puente Gallery 15th Anniversary
Press Note, Program 2010
The Lucia de la Puente Gallery maintains its foundation since 1995, the fundamental objective to promote Peruvian artists of trajectory recognition and to impel the insertion in the circuits of young artists, collaborating in the diffusion of contemporary art and trying that the new tendencies of visual arts reach a broader public.

In this opportunity we want to present a calendar with expositions programmed for the year 2010, the year in which we celebrate 15 years of labor.
5 - 29 January
Edi Hirose – Photography (Rooms I y II)
Sebastián Cabrera Arbaiza – Painting (Sala de Proyectos)
ARCO 2010 / Gallery closed
10 March - 10 April
Diego Lama – Photography and video (Rooms I y II)
Abel Bentín – Painting and video installation (Sala de Proyectos).
14 April - 15 May
Exposición colectiva de Aniversario (Entire gallery)
19 May - 19 June
José Tola – Painting (Entire gallery)
23 June - 31 July
Jorge Piqueras (Entire gallery)
11 August - 04 September
Carmela García – Photography (Spain) (Rooms I y II)
Alex Rodriguez – Painting (Colombia) (Sala de Proyectos)
Video of Jose Luis Martinat
08 September - 09 October
Dare Dovidjenko – Painting (Rooms I y II)
Billy Hare – Photography (Sala de Proyectos)
13 October - 13 November
Haroldo Higa – Sculpture (Rooms I y II)
Sylvia Fernandez – Painting and Installation (Projects Room)
17 November – 30 December
Ramiro Llona – Printmaking y Painting (Entire gallery)
Lucía de la Puente Gallery
Paseo Sáenz Peña 206,
Lima, Perú
Phone: 477 9740 – 477 0237
Fax: 247 4940
Email: ldelapuente@gluciadelapuente