“Lugares de Tránsito” an Extensive Photography Project in Latin America
L ugares de tránsito is a creative project of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). The project addresses the value of place and its new meanings as part of living artistic projects. Focusing on the medium of photography, the project shows artistic experiences in Latin America as a shared reality, like a participatory scene from which the artist constructs a region with their own own personality.

The project is divided into 8 bilateral meetings, each one of them based on the two artists by destination, in the form of a joint creative project that they will present in Spain through a structure of the many meanings: exhibition, publication, and conference. Dominican Republic, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Guatemala are the countries that are participating in the meetings.
But as part of its itinerary Lugares de Tránsito also included Miami, USA. Miami was the fifth destination where the meetings take place. As part of its journey, Rosell Meseguer (Spain) and Adler Guerrier (Haití/United States) worked together for four weeks. This meeting also included the participation of Gean Moreno (New York, 1972), a local curator who was involved with the smooth running of this collaboration with the general commissioner of the project, Marta Soul.
During 2011, the project will include the participation of Esteban Pastorino, Matías Costa, and Luis Romero, who will respectively visit Quito, Panama City, and Guatemala City.
Lugares de Tránsito is a project by the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, AECID), conceived by Marta Soul, Eneas Bernal, and Sara Cabanes, and organized by the Hablar en Arte Association; with the participation of the Red de Centros Culturales of the AECID and the Oficinas Culturales de España en Iberoamérica.