MACBA presents Collection MACBA 31
Eighty-five works by fifty artists from around the world dealing with experience, time and conflict from 1959 to the present.

A museum collection is not only one of its main working areas, but also what configures that museum's identity. With a 20-year history and more than 5,000 works, the MACBA Collection wants to be open to the present and reflect it in a manner that responds to the changes in today's world. Built as a network around different discourses, on this occasion MACBA Collection 31 offers some artistic itineraries through three main areas: experience, time and conflict.
The exhibition includes 85 works by 50 artists of various generations from around the world, representing a chronological period of over five decades, from 1959 to 2014. They are: Francesc Abad, Vito Acconci, Agustín Parejo School, Francis Alÿs, Frederic Amat, Martí Anson, Art & Language, ASPEN, Jordi Benito, Marcel Broodthaers, Mircea Cantor, Étienne Chambaud, Octavi Comeron, Alice Creischer, Harun Farocki, Hans-Peter Feldmann, León Ferrari, Esther Ferrer, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Carlos Garaicoa, Luís Gordillo, Dan Graham, Eulàlia Grau, Grup de Treball, Hans Haacke, Joan Jonas, Joaquim Jordà, David Lamelas, Aníbal López, Babette Mangolte, Piero Manzoni, Gordon Matta-Clark, Cildo Meireles, Adrián Melis, Fina Miralles, Muntadas, Bruce Nauman, Pere Noguera, Àngels Ribé, Pedro G. Romero, Allan Sekula, Andreas Siekmann, Takis, Francesc Torres, Lawrence Weiner y Krzysztof Wodiczko.
MACBA Collection 31 aims to show that we are facing a global world that perpetuates forms of labour associated with inequality and geopolitical conflict. A world challenged by an artistic practice that no longer understands the position of art if not as a critical agent. With this exhibition we set out to emphasise the ability of art to delve into some of the cracks upon which the story of the present is built.
MACBA Collection 31
Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)
June 17, 2016–June 30, 2017