MACBA presents Eduardo Mac Entyre: Sutilezas de la línea
The Contemporary Art Museum of Buenos Aires - Fundación Aldo Rubino presents Eduardo Mac Entyre. Sutilezas de la línea, exhibition curated by Cristina Rossi that will allow you to follow the transformations of the line in her non-figurative work between October 28 and March 11, 2018.

The Contemporary Art Museum of Buenos Aires - Fundación Aldo Rubino presents Eduardo Mac Entyre. Sutilezas de la línea, exhibition curated by Cristina Rossi that will allow you to follow the transformations of the line in her non-figurative work between October 28 and March 11, 2018. After the first show of "Generative Art" -made together with Miguel Ángel Vidal in 1960- Mac Entyre conceived a work rich in inflections. The exhibition links the first non-figurative works, close to the concrete art, with its searches within the optical and kinetic art.
The curatorial script gathers paintings, kinetic boxes, modular and paper works that are articulated in four cores that deal with: early production, variations in the generation of shape and vibration from the circumference, as well as the preeminence of the light in painting and in the kinetic work. The last nucleus emphasizes the free and playful character with which he sought variants for the same theme and invites the viewer to experiment with the transformations of the form.
Internationally recognized for its generative image, Mac Entyre cultivated different lines of expression, either through abstraction and the possibilities of figurative representation as well as through the exploitation of all available plastic resources. The exhibition presents these stages from a selection of documentation and a set of paintings that, among their latest works, interpreted a group of pieces of African art.
Presented on the four floors of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Buenos Aires from the curatorship of Cristina Rossi, Eduardo Mac Entyre. Subtleties of the line will be an opportunity to enjoy the work and the trajectory of this significant Argentine artist