Since Tuesday, July 10th, the individual show Hablar al aire (Talking to the Air) by Peruvian photographer Maricel Delgado at Galería del Paseo in Lima is presented.

Maricel Delgado's recent work revolves around the concepts of failure and success. In this way, it has developed a series of projects that, in the opposite direction of the search for success and progress that respond to the demands of today's society, present situations -cotidian or constructed- where something does not work as expected, where there is a break in the direction or where the cracks are evident.
Delgado invites us to reflect on the value and possible productivity of empty efforts, the waste of energy in vain, the movement without purpose, as well as the absurd, the insistence and the possibility of not getting anywhere. Therefore, she finds in that space of error a new terrain for experience, which allows her to observe and point out the distance between the ideal and direct experience.
The exhibition Hablar al aire brings together works (photography and video) as a result of a specific action: a group of people makes a cross-sectional tour of the city of Lima and crosses it from the hill to the sea, holding up empty banners of content that could be willing to adopt any slogan and ideology. In this way, the artistic proposal invites to question what can protest without text, claim the wind?
As in previous projects, Maricel Delgado proposes a seemingly pointless situation, where the contradiction offers a possibility to reflect on notions of productivity and progress, of efforts without conclusion and wills without any goal to achieve.
Paracaidista, Maricel Delgado.