The exhibition Five itineraries with a point of view, conceived on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Castilla y León (MUSAC), includes a point of view, that of the museum itself, which is inserted in a precise historical and cultural context, which it serves, and which is displayed in five itineraries that correspond to five themes that have guided, among others, the increase in the museum's collection and programming since 2013. These are corporalities and feminisms, decolonial theories and practices, context and situated action, textualities and archives, and special publications and artist books.
Although these themes exemplify the work of MUSAC in recent years, they do not show all the lines of action undertaken to account for the complex evolution of the arts and society during this millennium’s beginning. They are, of course, a prospective tasting of issues that have either marked our immediate past, or indicate some challenges and ways of transformation for the future, or show the ability of the present to think about itself and, through that, about society as a whole.
Through the topics discussed, the exhibition aims to emphasize one of the greatest assets of the museum: an extensive collection that has more than one thousand works by 426 national and international artists, which are joined by the 291 works of the Junta de Castilla y León’s Contemporary Art Collection, deposited in the museum, and a large selection of artist books and special editions from the collection of the MUSAC Documentation Center.
The different manifestations of critical thinking and its relations with art and situated work, as well as its articulation with a global horizon, have been the focus of MUSAC programming and its collection after the bursting of the economic bubble, and are the basis on which Five itineraries with a point of view is based. After the so-called crisis, new scenarios arise that require renewed instruments of analysis, consistent with current artistic practices.
Vista del aparado de la exposición "Performar el género. Corporalidades y feminismos". MUSAC.
Vista del apartado de la exposición "Dinámica relacional. Contexto y acción situada". MUSAC
Vista del aparado de la exposición "La matriz del poder. Teorías y prácticas decoloniales". Yinka Shonibare, "Dorian Grey". MUSAC.
Today, both broad sectors of art audiences and their professionals are gradually gaining awareness of this paradigm shift that implies an indisputable challenge: abandoning the canonical story and rethinking the world with new and operational critical categories, assuming at all times an open attitude to the transformations.
By presenting art without any legitimizing hegemonic story (not endorsed by the center, nor by the canon, nor by fashion) and by threading the stories or itineraries without the support of one of those great stories of modernity or global machinery of promotion, other sensibilities and emotions, different ways of approaching the aesthetic fact and a plurality of experiences that dynamit the limits of the traditional representation of knowledge, such as the supposed national, chronological, school, stylistic “objective” criteria, are produced. etc. Orientating current thinking and the discursive practice of art means relying on principles and criteria outside the market and the fee that it imposes to generate meaning (s) and significances with a situated perspective.
From January 25 to June 7, 2020.
Exhibition sections
Dinámica relacional. Contexto y acción situada
(Relational dynamics Context and situated action)
Curator: Manuel Olveira.
Dates: January 25 - September 20, 2020
Place: Room 2
Performar el género. Corporalidades y feminismos
(Perform gender. Corporalities and feminisms)
Curator: Manuel Olveira.
Dates: January 25 - June 7, 2020
Place: Room 3
La matriz del poder. Teorías y prácticas decoloniales
(The matrix of power. Decolonial theories and practices)
Curator: Manuel Olveira
Dates: January 25 - June 7, 2020
Place: Room 4
Escritura autónoma. Archivos y textualidades expandidas
(Autonomous writing. Expanded files and textualities)
Curator: Manuel Olveira.
Dates: January 25 - June 14, 2020
Place: Laboratory 987
Ni orden ni pulcritud. Libros y revistas de los años ochenta
(Neither order nor neatness. 80’s books and magazines)
Curator: Mela Dávila.
Dates: January 25 - June 14, 2020
Place: Vitrinas Project