Celebrates its 10th anniversary with a symposium, an exhibition and publications
The Malba - Fundación Costantini Museum, will celebrate on September 2011, its first decade of operation. During this time has carried out the mission of the “Eduardo F. Costantini Foundation” which started in September 2001 as a not for profit private institution, to collect, preserve, research and promote Latin American art produced throughout the 20th century until today. The Museum presents, preserves and exhibits the heritage of 500 works of artists who have led the development of modern and contemporary art in Latin America, combining a dynamic schedule of temporary exhibitions with a display of its permanent collection.

During its 10th anniversary there will be various exhibitions and events planned to celebrate the occasion. Through an agreement established in 2005, between Malba Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts of Houston (MFAH) with the Department of Latin American Art Museum of Fine Arts of Houston (MFAH), 14 masterpieces from this collection will travel to Malba in September together with the retrospective of Carlos Cruz-Diez: Color in Space and Time, curated by Mari Carmen Ramirez. In April 2012, Malba will make other loans in a reciprocal gesture, by sending to the MFAH masterpieces from its permanent collection. This unprecedented collaboration has helped to stimulate the exchange of exhibitions and collections of works of both institutions and the co-edition of publications and other initiatives to promote Latin American art in the United States and Latin America.
Along with open exhibitions, Malba will organize the three-day international symposium “Latin American art: Ten years of changes, perspectives and projects” with the special participation of a group of curators and museum directors who have led the great transformations of Latin American art in the last decade. They include Mari Carmen Ramirez, Wortham Curator of Latin American Art and Director, International Center for the Arts of the Americas, Museum of Fine Arts Houston (MFAH), Texas, USA; Hans-Michael Herzog, Chief Curator, Daros Latinamerica AG (Zürich Daros Museum / Casa Daros Rio), Zürich, Switzerland and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Natalia Majluf, Director, Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Peru; Luis Enrique Pérez-Oramas, curator of Latin American Art; Estrellita Brodsky, The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, USA; Marcelo Mattos Araujo, Executive Director, Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; Rodrigo Moura, Curator, Institute Inhotim, Brumadinhoo, Minas Gerais, Brazil; Adriana Rosenberg, President, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Marcelo E. Pacheco, Chief Curator, Malba-Fundación Costantini, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
On the anniversary, Malba is making available the full collection of the museum accessible at At the same time, is launching two books Malba.Ten years, an institutional publication that serves as a photographic memory of the first decade of the museum and a Guide to the permanent collection. This edition, in Spanish, Portuguese and English, depicts a full tour of the museum's collections. With texts of Marcelo E. Pacheco, chief curator of the Museum, the guide presents a wide panorama that encompasses a century of Latin American art. The guide allows the reader to build its own visit, enriched with full-color images, a glossary of terms of 20th century art and biographies of the artists represented. In short, it will provide a comprehensive and valuable reference about one of the world´s more substantive collections of Latin American Art.
Over the past ten years, a number of exhibitions produced by the museum were presented in different international museums, thus reinforcing the presence of Malba in the global art scene. Among others, these include Xul Solar, Visions and revelations, presented in 2005 at the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, and in 2006 at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and the Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City. In 2007, the exhibition Victor Grippo, a retrospective, Works 1971-2001 was exhibited at the Miami Art Central (MAC) and in 2009, Felix Gonzalez-Torres Somewhere / Nowhere, Somewhere / Nowhere was presented in Mexico City's MUAC.
In this decade, Malba has strengthened and diversified its collection and at the same time, has added to its tasks of preserving, exhibiting and disseminating Argentine and Latin American art, the mission to become a dynamic convergence and create cultural debate. Since its opening, have organized more than 120 temporary exhibitions of Argentine, Latin American and international modern and contemporary art; more than 850 artists have been exhibited in solo and group national and international exhibitions, and published over 70 catalogs. Since its inception, Malba has made over 130 loans of works to other national and international institutions.
Referring to the 10th anniversary of the museum, the founder Eduardo F. Costantini reaffirmed Malba´s commitment to the future. "In this sense, it is strategic to proceed with the building expansion project that will enhance the existing cultural and educational programs and our ability to produce and receive larger exhibitions." Also stressed the importance of increasing the presence of Malba in the local and international scene as well as "to close ties and exchanges with institutions that share its values, thus helping to the understanding and dissemination of Latin American art."
In these 10 years, another initiative well consolidated is malba.cine, one of the most important circuits of alternative cinema in the City of Buenos Aires. Nearly half a million people have attended malba.cine projections in the last decade. Each year, it premiered 20 films produced in Argentina by the new generation of local filmmakers. Along with Buenos Aires Film Archive and the Association of Support to Audiovisual Heritage (APROCINAIN), Malba has rescued 80 essential films of national and international filmmaking, in a 35 mm format.
Since 2008, Malba hosts the International Festival of Literature in Buenos Aires (FILBA). With a consistent program that unfolds week by week, malba.literatura attracted during these years more than 75,000 people who had participated in courses and presentations. The area develops an average of 30 courses per year, by leading storytellers and more than 50 activities open to the public with free admission.
Since its inception, Malba also gave central importance to education as a central tool for building an inclusive and accessible environment to all visitors. In addition to the regular program of guided tours, the museum created new programs aimed at people with mobility and mental disabilities, deaf and hard of hearing, blind and visually impaired.
Calendar of exhibitions and activities:
From Wednesday 21 to Friday September 30
Carlos Cruz-Diez: The color in space and time
From September 21 to March 5, 2012. Rooms 5 and 3 (2 º and 1 º piso)
Guest curator, Mari Carmen Ramirez
This is the first major retrospective of the artist in Argentina Franco-Venezuelan Carlos Cruz-Diez (Caracas, 1923). The exhibition presents a selection of more than 120 works made from 1940 to the present, this artist renowned for his theoretical contributions and plastic on the perception of color.
Latin American Art 1900 - 2010
From September 21 to February 6, 2012. Room 2 (1st floor)
New route for Latin American art of the twentieth century, from the emblematic works of the heritage of Malba and 14 key pieces of the MFAH, artists such as Lygia Clark, Joaquin Torres-Garcia, Gego, Hélio Oiticica, Alfaro Siqueiros and Jesus Rafael Soto among others.
Malba. Ten years.
From September 21 to November 21. Room 1 (ground floor)
Tour by a decade of operation Malba, through different supports. "Video walls", compiling the management of different areas of the museum; another with video interview where critics, curators, writers, directors and managers talk about the impact of Malba; a space documentary shows publications and pamphlets published since the foundation; a media- lab, to browse the Museum website of the museum and see the new core of the collection online; and visible presence in Facebook and Twitter, shows the involvement of the community who sent their photos taken at the museum to be part of the celebrations.
Homenagem of Nushi Muntaabski. With the collaboration of Cristina Schiavi
As of September 21
New Venue dry landscape design inspired by the Brazilian artist Burle Marx Square Republic of Peru.
International Seminar. Latin American Art.
Ten years of changes, perspectives and projections
Wednesday 21, Thursday 22 and Friday September 23, 2011
Space is limited, pre-register from September 5 in
This seminar intends to present to the general and specialized public eight projects related to Latin American art that are active in the production of samples, catalogs, conferences, collections, bibliography and study and documentation center dedicated exclusively or in part, to work the current and historical American art.
Malba - Fundación Costantini Museum
Museo Malba - Fundación Constantini
Courtesy / Cortesía: Malba -
Malba - Fundación Costantini Museum
Museo Malba - Fundación Constantini
Courtesy / Cortesía: Malba -
Malba - Fundación Costantini Museum
Museo Malba - Fundación Constantini
Courtesy / Cortesía: Malba -
Permanent Collection
Malba - Fundación Costantini Museum
Colección Permanente
Museo Malba - Fundación Constantini
Courtesy / Cortesía: Malba -
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Cromosaturación, 1965/2004
Luz fluorescente con filtros de color azul, rojo y verde / fluorescent light with filters: blue, red and green
Donación de la Cruz-Diez Foundation al Museo de Bellas Artes de Houston
Donation to Museum of Fine Arts Houston by Cruz-Diez Foundation