A training and exchange platform where participants address the issues and problems that make up the Latin American contemporary art market.

COORDINATOR: Lic. Natalia Albanese Gisbert
COURSE: 5 classes - Thursday from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
STARTS: June 4
A space where we approach the definition of the new market scenarios, characterizing the agents that comprise them, their roles and functions with their new ways of creating and managing.
There will be five meetings to introduce us to new collecting and the different ways in which a body of works that make up a collection can be configured. In this sense, we will focus on some central points to make decisions when building a collection of contemporary art. We will analyze different ways of managing heritage, giving it meaning and social responsibility.
Aimed at professionals in the field of cultural management, people interested in art, buyers, collectors and fans who are thinking of starting a collection.
About Natalia Albanese Gisbert: Teacher, researcher and cultural manager. She has a BA in Social Communication, is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Arts from the National University of Córdoba and studied Modern Letters. He was a jury of Training Scholarships 2017 of the National Fund for the Arts, a jury of the Art Store (Santa Fe) and in calls from the Municipality of Córdoba. She teaches Cultural Management at 220 Contemporary Culture. Teacher of the Mercosur Arts Market workshop at the Creative Industries Market of Brazil (MICBR2018). Speaker: Contemporary Art Market, platform in formation from the edges in Montevideo within the framework of MicUy 2018. As General Director of Development and Cultural Cooperation of the Municipality of Córdoba; until 2019 he was in charge of coordinating the Book Fair and since its creation Art Market, among other initiatives.