Open Call to art study program (escuela Incierta) at Lugar a Dudas
(escuela incierta), the art study program organized by Lugar a Dudas (Cali, Colombia) opens its call until April 30, 2018.

(escuela incierta) is a 6 weeks independent study program, offered by lugar a dudas in Cali, Colombia. It was founded by Víctor Albarracín Llanos, artist, writer, and curator and the 2018 sessions are co-directed by artist and curator María Isabel Rueda. (escuela incierta) will convene for its second year of sessions between June 18 and July 28, 2018, welcoming local and international participants, lecturers and tutors in an environment that fosters life, interaction and mutual learning.
The 2018 sessions hinge around the title Occultures. In the singular, this term points towards a fertile field of fusion between cultural practices and heterogeneous explorations of the occult and of the act of hiding as possibilities for being. An occulture is an ecosystem sheltered by a shadow conducive to the emergence of life-forms that would not be viable under direct sunlight. Bearing in mind that social spaces for cultural practices have been incorporated to the production of spectacles whose defining trait, according to Debord, is the certainty that 'what appears is good and what is good appears,' it may be time for us to inquire into those spaces of sheltering and secrecy where life, action and practice can still derive from and establish operations that muddy and undo the dynamics of capitalist realism.
(escuela incierta) is not conceived as a space for professionalization, its aim is not the social validation of artists and, to that extent, it is not a stepladder for climbing the pyramid of personal careerism. What this school offers is a series of conversations, a space for critical discussion and a chance to live together for six weeks in the beautiful city of Cali, the world capital of Tropical Goth, so as to rest, cleanse, talk and engage with people coming from different places, with different interests and passions.
Applications are due by April 30, 2018. The fee to attend the program is US $2,000. Admitted students will be notified via email on May 5th. A US $500 deposit by May 15th is required to secure your spot in the program. The full balance is due by May 30th.
Financial assistance and partial tuition scholarships would be reviewed on a case by case basis. The sessions will be held in English and Spanish. Although translation is available, proficiency in both languages is strongly encouraged.
Faculty for 2018 sessions includes: Anselm Franke – Beatriz Eugenia Díaz – Boris Ondreicka – Carl Abrahamsson – Catalina Lozano – Dick Verdult – Don Nadie – Ian Svenonius – Jennifer Moon – Lizzie Borden – Luisa Ungar – Michael Taussig – Rat Trap – Sebastián Restrepo – Susan MacWilliam – Teresa Margolles – Tupac Cruz.
–Deadline: April 30, 2018
–Registration: May 15, 2018
–Sessions: June 18 – July 28, 2018