PArC closes its exciting fourth edition at the Museum of Contemporary Art
The leading contemporary art fair in Peru returns to Lima from the 27th to the 30th of April 2017
PERU ARTE CONTEMPORANEO - PArC 2016 closed its fourth edition at the end of Lima’s art week. The event took place in the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) and united more than 30 galleries representing 10 countries from Latin America and Europe. Amongst its programs, exhibitions, events, and activities, Peru Arte Contemporaneo – PArC established itself as an international platform for contemporary art. The fair successfully positioned Peru as the ideal scene for artistic dialogue, and as a destination for collectors that want to find new or established artists.
PArC 2016 opened its doors on April 20th with more than 12,000 guest filling the halls and sections of the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) enjoying the exhibitions, projects, and performances. Utilizing art as a tool for creating consciousness, Juanli Carrión presented his gastronomic performance TAPAPA that speaks of the effects mining has had in different areas of the countries. As an analysis of these collective actions and processes included themes of exclusion, domination and separation that connects the creation of a cultural identity.
The first curatorial proposal by recognized curator Roc Laseca for PaRC, ""Abandoning Architecture: Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the New Urban Man” showcased the actual worries on topics of the environment, the future, and the critical relationship between art and architectural practices. The six-presented projects juxtaposed the final mark, a destination tied to the mutation of our thoughts and lifestyles.
The PArC 2016 Forum was programed by Miguel López and welcomed the participation of personalities of the art world such as Teresa Burgos, Natalia Majluf, director of Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), Max Hernández Calvo, writer and independent curator, Renata Cervetto, curator and coordinator of the Department of Education in the MALBA (Buenos Aires), Diana Weschler, Subdirector, investigator and curator of MUNTREF in Buenos Aires, and Aníbal Jozami, general director of the Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporaneo of the UNASUR, José Darío Gutiérrez, director of Proyecto Bachué and of Espacio El Dorado, Bogotá, and Carmen Cuenca, In Site / Casa Gallina, Rita Gonzalez, Curator of LACMA, among others.
El Floripondio or Angel’s Trumpet by Peruvian artist Horacio Goitre Testino illuminated the nights of PArC 2016 by awakening the fantasy and the curiosity of the audience playing with the known and unknown in nature. Covering an area of 1,500 squared meters, it was the perfect spaceg for the presentation of the artwork at the fair.
"We feel very honored by the reception PArC has received by the Peruvian and international community. Peru has become more established in the international art scene", explained Diego Costa Peuser, founder and director of Perú Arte Contemporaneo. “It has been hard work for the artists, galleries, and curators both local and international. It was crucial to have the support of the Ministry of Culture, PromPeru, The United States Embassy in Peru, and the Exportar Foundation with the Argentinian Embassy in Peru among are other sponsors.
To close the program, la Feria Tijuana de Arte Impresa (Tijuana Printed Art Fair) that began in Sao Paulo in 2009, continued its mission of investigating the editorial production, by presenting self-published in Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Brazil and Argentina. The curator José-Carlos Mariátegui presented two projects as part of Proyecto Video – PArC 2016. He presented a collage of works that characterize themselves by their differences in the treatment of the image, technologically as well as through media. The second project presented were images in three channels that were popular from the 70s until the 90s in which projections that turned into video installations as part of elaborate architectural constructions were developed.
Perú Arte Contemporaneo – PArC 2017 returns to the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) (MAC) in Barranco from the 27 to the 30 of April of 2017. For more information, please visit