Pinta opens the call for galleries to participate in its tenth edition
Pinta Art Fair announces the realization of its tenth edition from November 28 to December 4, 2016 in Mana Wynwood, located in the heart of Miami Art District.

By the success of its last edition in 2015 though sales its great power of convocation amongst collectors, museum directors and renowned public, Pinta Miami it has positioned itself as one of the contemporary and modern Ibero-American art fair most relevant during art week, in which participate more than seventy galleries of Latin America, Spain and Portugal.
Pinta Miami this year will reach new frontiers and will host proposals at an international level covering galleries from all continents. The fair will be comprised of the main section of galleries from continents. The fair will be comprised of the main section of galleries, Pinta Modern & Contemporary will include three special sections: Pinta Photography curated by José Antonio Navarrete, Pinta Drawing by Roc Laseca, and Pinta Project by Jesús Fuenmayor.
Through the support of EFG Bank, celebrating its 20th anniversary in Miami and in conjunction with the Saludarte Foundation headed by the collector Tanya Brillembourg, its will holding the 10th anniversary edition of Pinta Art Fair.
Pinta Miami is directed by Diego Costa Peuser and is part of Arte al Día international plaform which also organizes PArC – Perú Arte Contemporáneo, BAphoto and the editions of Gallery Nights in Buenos Aires and Punta del Este and soon Pinta New York 2017 – Solo projects which will be held in May during the week of Frieze Art Fair, in the space of Mana Contemporary in New Jersey.
The application for galleries is now available online and can enter by clicking here.