Curated by Patrick Blümel, the exhibition SURREAL FUTURES features 31 international positions from the fields of digital and media art, presenting forward-looking perspectives on Surrealism.

In the sense of a contemporary form of surrealism, artists from 19 countries address the urgent questions of the 21st century in interactive video works, virtual and augmented reality experiences, multimedia installations and digital image worlds, for example, with a view to the impact of globalization, digitalization and the climate crisis, including post-colonial changes and increasing diversity. They present Surrealism as a contemporary genre of art dreaming beyond reality that reflects changes in our living environment and develops speculative future scenarios.
Sabrina Ratté, OBJETS-MONDE, 2022. Interactive installation, 2 prints. Interactivity: Guillaume Arseneault. Soundtrack: Roger Tellier Craig. A production by Le FRESNOY—Studio national des arts contemporains (Tourcoing). © Sabrina Ratté.
Justine Emard, Dreamprints, 2021, Skulpturen aus glasierter Terrakotta (3D-Druck), in Kooperation mit dem Centre du sommeil et de la vigilance in Paris, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023, Foto: Henning Krause
Sabrina Ratté, Objets-Monde, 2022, Interaktive Installation, Interaktivität: Guillaume Arseneault, Ton: Roger Tellier Craig, eine Produktion von Le FRESNOY - Studio national des arts contemporains (Tourcoing), © Sabrina Ratté, Foto: Henning Krause
Doug Rosman, self-contained, 2019, 1-Kanal-Videoinstallation, 10:21 Min, Farbe, pix2pixHD-neuronales Netzwerk, © Doug Rosman.
Along the main themes Digital Bodies, Transforming Landscapes and Future Worlds, different past and present references as well as future perspectives are being unfolded.
For the first time, contemporary works in the collection will also be presented next to the works of Max Ernst. With this in mind, a dialogue between Max Ernst and contemporary artists will be created from the perspective of current questions.
David Alabo, Lust, 2019, Digital Collage, Courtesy of the artist
Cao Fei, Oz, 2022, Dual-screen digital video, 9:16 min, colour, with sound, loop 1:36 min, Music: Ma Haiping, © Cao Fei, 2023, Courtesy the artist, Vitamin Creative Space and Sprüth Magers
Maxime Rossi, Real Estate Astrology, 2015, Analglyph 3D-video, 20:40 min, sound, © Maxime Rossi / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023
Louis-Philippe Rondeau, LIMINAL, 2018, Video installation, illuminated aluminium ring, USB camera, computer, © Louis-Philippe Rondeau, Photo: LVR-ZMB / Annette Hiller
Artists participating: Memo Akten, David Alabo, Aya, Tim Berresheim, Tega Brain, Julian Oliver, Bengt Sjölén, Viktor Brim, Imran Channa, Louisa, Clement, Paul Duncombe, Jake Elwes, Justine Emard, Cao Fei, Cyprien Gaillard, Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, Katherine Melançon, Kasia Molga, Michael Namingha, Isadora Neves Marques, Michela Pelusio, Sabrina Ratté, Johanna Reich, Tabita Rezaire, Louis- Philippe Rondeau, Doug Rosman, Maxime Rossi, Camilo Sandoval, Tristan Schulze, Transmoderna, Theo Triantafyllidis, Jessi Ujazi, and Pinar Yoldaş.