Second Argentine Performance Biennale Announces its Complete Program
From May 13th to June 7th 2017, BP.17 the Second Performance Biennale will take place. This year’s event includes 50 projects by more than 100 outstanding local and international artists.

BP.17’s program will showcase new live pieces, seminars, lectures, and public meetings to be held at the different partnering venues to generate multiple simultaneous spaces for exhibition and reflection, and thus blurring the boundaries between theoretical research, the academic and the artistic practice.
BP.17 Artistic Program
The program brings together a careful selection of creators and artist collectives from Argentina and the world. It has been put together by the curators of partner associations, and BP.17 direction and its curatorial team comprised of its director, Graciela Casabé; Maricel Álvarez, international program curator, and Susana Tambutti, curator of the academic program. More info:
A long-awaited closing performance| William Kentridge
One of the most celebrated artists will be presented as closing of the biennale: William Kentridge, South African artist internationally acclaimed for his drawings, collages, engravings, animated films, theater and opera productions. His piece Refuse the Hour will be presented at the Teatro Coliseo on June 7th as BP.17 closing event.
This stage performance –five-channel video installation– is a multimedia work that interweaves an astonishing range of visual and sound languages, setting dance, live music, projections, drama, and dynamic scenic design against one another on stage. Created with the physicist Peter Galison, it is a meditation on different historical conceptions of time and the complex legacies of colonialism and industry. The result is a journey to the fringes of science, theatre and art. Refuse the Hour was originally commissioned for dOCUMENTA 2012 and was first presented in June 2012 at the Frascati Theatre in Amsterdam as part of the Holland Festival
BP.17 Academic Program
The Biennale gets complemented with a valuable academic platform that will unfold parallel to the artistic program. The academic program is combined with the artistic productions. The program will feature seminars, workshops, lectures and public meeting with the aim of providing a space to question and problematize the concept of performance —and its numerous derivatives— in an attempt to link the universe of its praxis and the theoretical discourses surrounding it. More info:
Registration & Tickets
Registration and access to the different productions will require a prior online accreditation through our website, a week before the presentation of the chosen activity. All successful accreditations will receive an email of confirmation to the addresses provided upon registration. All the information on BP.17 —releases, high-resolution images— will be available online and downloadable. To access this information please click on the press folder on our website:
About BP.17
BP.17| 2º Bienal de Performance de Argentina | BP.17 is an independent private initiative in association with different private and public, cultural and academic institutions of Argentina. Some twenty museums, art galleries, cultural and urban spaces of the City of Buenos Aires and the province of San Juan make up a decentralized design for exhibition with no single seat. Throughout twenty-six days its program offers a myriad of activities: live presentations, actions, exhibits, seminars, and workshops. The Biennale’s artistic offer is combined with a valuable academic platform that unfolds simultaneously, and that is connected to the artistic program as a coproduction between the Universidad Nacional de las Artes and the School of Philosophy and Literature of the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). This year, the Biennale and ArtexArte shall feature a performance box within the framework of arteBA offering different live performances and a video selection.
BP.17 Partners | arteBA| Colección Fortabat | Fundación Proa | MALBA | MNBA -Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires-| Parque de la Memoria | UBA -Facultad de Filosofía y Letras- | UNA- Universidad Nacional de las Artes-| Departamento de Arte de la Universidad Torquato Di Tella | Galería Ruth Benzacar | Galería Barro | Centro Cultural Recoleta | Bienal de Arte Joven | Centro Cultural San Martín | Fundación Medifé |Centro Cultural Paco Urondo| chela | Secretaría de Cultura de la Municipalidad de Vicente López | Teatro del Bicentenario de San Juan|. And the following international organisms: Goethe | Institut Buenos Aires | French Embassy | Embassy of Colombia | Pro Helvetia | Centro Cultural de España | Centro Cultural Coreano | Danish Arts Foundation | Canada Council of the Arts |