Seventy years of Madí at Vemmer Gallery
Vemmer gallery present a tribute exhibition to 70th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Madi movement

When Piet Mondrian (in the second decade of the 20th century) said of the Cubists that they didn´t want to get to the bottom of what they had started, he referred to the persistence of the representative illusion in their works, they had begun to question themselves when after giving value to the plane and they started breaking with the virtual space. It is this critic to Cubism, formulated in different scenarios -in time of vanguardism - that gave to various movements that, even with its heterogeneity, we can designate the name constructivism. But constructivism broke with the representative values, preserving followed except few and far between exceptions orthogonality of the picture, which prepetuaba the window that was from before the Renaissance, one of the pillars of the virtual image, its foundation metaphysical. The MADÍ movement (emerged in Buenos Aires in 1946) and from its origins to nowadays they break with the regular frame, for their work is within the cutted frame, answering to the irregularities of the core, eliminating what in orthogonality appear as a field again to put in work, phantasmatically, the old values of background and figure. As true epiphanies, the MADÍ works in these times of chaos and dispersion work as a way to return to first principles that allow the viewer away from illusionism, retrieve a diaphanous experience that is the source of all the enigmas of the vision.