Curated by Carlos Zevallos Trigoso, Paola presents the current state of her inquiries about the image in its broadest conception: as technologies of representation, but also as an abstract space from where the worlds that we culturally experience are produced, mixed and confused. Through video art and the appropriation of images from different regimes, the exhibition proposes an encounter between graphics, specifically poster design, and some contemporary visual landscapes. Until April 17th.

In her first solo show, the artist Paola Vela exhibits a series of works that emerge from her creative work during a stay at the San Antonio de los Baños International Film and Television School in Cuba (EICTV) in the first half of 2019. This experience served as a catalyst for her interests around contemporary visual culture, with an emphasis on the Latin American sphere, and on the modes of production and socialization of the image in a community shaped by the experience of the 1959 revolution.
De la serie Fragmentos 1 [Ociel del Toa] y Fagmentos2 [Coffea Arábiga] (respect.), 2020. Tinta china sobre papel, 21 x 29.5 cm
De la serie Fragmentos 1 [Ociel del Toa] y Fagmentos2 [Coffea Arábiga] (respect.), 2020. Tinta china sobre papel, 21 x 29.5 cm
De la serie Derivas 1 [Tipografías] y Derivas 2 [Tipografías] (respect.), 2020. Tinta china sobre papel, 21 x 29.5 cm
De la serie Derivas 1 [Tipografías] y Derivas 2 [Tipografías] (respect.), 2020. Tinta china sobre papel, 21 x 29.5 cm
De la serie Cines, 2020. Tinta china sobre papel, 21 x 29.5 cm
De la serie Vestigios del cine peruano, 2020 - Acrílico sobre MDF corte láser - 21 x 29.5 cm
De la serie Vestigios del cine peruano, 2020. - Acrílico sobre MDF corte láser - 17.5 x 22.5 cm
Fotograma de Atravesando el Campo, 2021. Video HD color
The exhibition consists of seven series of images whose meaning we could represent as the derivative on a map centered on the piece Traversing the Field: a short film made in Cuba in collaboration with director Lav Diaz, where Vela explores, from a language between the essay and the observational record, the peculiarities of the reverie in the rural landscape where the EICTV is located. The characters, Lav Diaz and Reydenis La Rosa, speak to us from their own codes about imagination, and death, as a constitutive faculty of the past, present and future.
Paola Vela (Lima, 1973) is a visual artist and filmmaker, as well as a Bachelor of Art with a focus on Engraving (School of Art and Design PUCP). In addition, she is a Master in Visual Anthropology with a focus on Documentary Film (PUCP Graduate School).
Her work has been shown in various spaces such as: Bogotá Film Festival, InVideo Milan, Videonale 12 Kunstmuseum Bonn, Oslo Screen Festival, Lima Art Museum (MALI), Luis Miró Quesada Garland Room, TRANSCINEMA International Film Festival, Festival of Lima Independent Cinema, etc. It has also been selected for programs such as: Berlinale Talents - Berlin Film Festival, Workshop 'Found Footage' directed by the Dutch video artist Aernout Mik (Fundación Telefónica Lima), Workshop for contemporary artists directed by the English artist Tacita Dean (Fundación Botín Santander), Project 'Like an Artist' (Jan Van Eyck Academie Maastricht Residence), Workshop 'En la Isla EICTV' directed by Filipino filmmaker Lav Díaz (San Antonio de los Baños International Film and TV School), among others.
Currently, Paola Vela is pursuing a doctorate in Science, Technology and Art with a focus on Film and Moving Image (Escola de Artes - Portuguese Catholic University. Porto, Portugal).
Vela is affiliated with the School of Art and Design PUCP as an Associate Professor.