PARIS - the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac presents an exhibition which includes important Latin-American artists: José Luis Cuevas, José-Alejandro Restrepo, Rosangela Renno, Yoshua Okon, Mario García Torres and Carlos Garaicoa

Spotlight on contemporary creation. For the first time, the Museum invites twenty-six artists from across the world to take part in a truly contemporary exhibition focusing on different relationships to photographic and filmed images.
Photography, video, installation: for the first time, the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac is dedicating a major exhibition within its walls to contemporary images in all their forms. In the wake of its residency programme and surveys conducted over the last ten or so years, the exhibition presents twenty-six non-European artists from a variety of backgrounds, both young and emerging talents like Gosette Lubondo (DRC), Lek Kiatsirikajorn (Thailand) and José Luis Cuevas (Mexico), as well as numerous established artists, including Dinh Q. Lé (Vietnam), José-Alejandro Restrepo (Colombia), Dayanita Singh (India), Sammy Baloji (Democratic Republic of Congo), Rosangela Renno (Brazil) and Brook Andrew (Australia).
The exhibition opens with the spectacular work by Cameroon-born artist Samuel Fosso, and continues with a fertile dialogue between pieces rarely seen in France. The works allude to the relationship to images, our perception of the world and representations of self (The Black Photo Album / Look at me: 1880-1950 by the South African Santu Mofokeng), of landscapes and territories (works by Carlos Garaicoa, Heba Y. Amin, Mario Garcia Torres) and the rewriting of political and historical narratives (The Indian Project: Rebuilding History by Mexican artist Yoshua Okon).
José Luis Cuevas, Portrait of a young student, Tokyo, 2017-2018. Tirage jet d’encre
Samuel Fosso, African Spirits, 2008. Tirage argentique sur papier baryté
Samuel Fosso, SIXSIXSIX (2015-2016). Installation de 666 tirages Polaroïd
Carlos Garaicoa, Frases. Héliogravure avec inscription en creux, calque imprimé d’un texte en noir
Heba Y. Amin The Earth is an Imperfected Ellipsoid, 2016. Impressions pigmentaires noir et blanc sur papier, textes gravés au laser sur bois
Katia Kameli, Le Roman algérien chapitre 1, 2016, vidéo, couleur, son - durée : 16 min 35 s
José Alejandro Restrepo, Paso del Quindío I, 1992. Installation vidéo composée de 17 moniteurs, sons.
Cynthia Soto, Paysage (re)trouvé. À la recherche du paradis perdu : Iglesia Abandonada 2010-2011. Cynthia Soto
Jo Ractliffe, The Borderlands Unmarked grave, Pomfret, 2012 - 2014. Épreuve gélatino-argentique
Lek Kiatsirikajorn, tirage issu de la série Lost in Paradise, 2012 - 2013
Lek Kiatsirikajorn, tirage issu de la série Lost in Paradise, 2012 - 2013
With curatorship by Christine Barthe, Head of the Photographic Collections Heritage Unit at the musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, Paris
Located on the banks of the River Seine, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac aims to promote the Arts and Civilizations of Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas, at the crossroads of multiple cultural, religious and historical influences. As a space for scientific and artistic dialog, the museum offers a cultural program of exhibits, performances, lectures, workshops and screenings.
*cover artwork: Oscar Muñoz, Editor Solitario, projection vidéo sur table, papier