TROIKA: Compression Loss at OMR Gallery
TROIKA: Compression Loss at OMR Gallery
Mexican gallery OMR presents in the Gallery Weekend the exhibition Compression Loss of Troika, a collaborative contemporary art practice formed in 2003 by Eva Rucki (b. 1976, Germany), Conny Freyer (b. 1976, Germany) and Sebastien Noel (b. 1977, France).

1976, Germany) and Sebastien Noel (b. 1977, France).
Compression Loss is method of rationalisation in which the whole is seemingly understood by its deconstruction into separate parts that Troika uses to entitle this new series of sculptures where reproductions of dieties are deconstructed into separate ‘slices’ which usurps the linear, reductionist viewpoint of knowledge and replace it with a fragmented oscillatory one. The opposition between frameworks of technological advancement and mythology investigates how the application of a purely rational and scientific method onto practical life is often at odds with the subjective and unpredictable.
Mientras Compression Loss interroga a una historia madura, la serie de tapices A Labyrinth of a line opera con la certeza de los datos algorítmicos. Trasladando a escala humana un algoritmo utilizado comúnmente para navegar en grandes cantidades de datos, Troika crea a través de reglas algorítmicas simples una estructura de laberinto que pierde su antigua significación de confusión e incertidumbre, elección y resolución.
While Compression Loss interrogates a grown history, Troika’s series of tapestries A Labyrinth of a straight line operate on the certainty of algorithmic data. By translating an algorithm commonly used to search and navigate large amounts of data, Troika creates with a simple algorithmic rules a maze structure that loses its ancient signification of confusion and uncertainty, choice and resolution.
Shown alongside the new works are All Colours White (2017), a structure on which a projected array of colours merges into white light every twelve minutes, Testing Time (2014), a digitally manipulated stream of water and The Sum of All Possibilities (2014), a suspended sculpture that continually reconfigures itself.
Shown collectively, the works in the exhibition either incorporate or reference technological processes as a means to investigate the coexistence of seemingly irreconcilable opposites and the plurality of knowledge and experience.
From Nov 10th, 2017 to Jan 20th, 2018.
Tue to Thu: from 10 to 19 h / Fri: from10 to 16 hs / Sat: from 11 to 16 h