The Dionisi Palace, a photography Museum in Cordoba, Argentina
The Dionisi Palace Museum of Photography, very important for its historical heritage, aims to held temporary expositions of artwork considered of great value in the eld of the contemporary photography.

The Dionisi Palace Museum of Photography, very important for its historical heritage, aims to held temporary expositions of artwork considered of great value in the eld of the contemporary photography. Following this principle, it turns to be the rst public photographic museum in Cordoba. Nowadays, lead by Natalia Mónaco, it is working with the purpose to contain and publicize all photographic practices possible, with the goal of strengthen and spread local and national productions.
The premises are considered of great architectural value, as everything inside has not been modied, remaining original with specic quality details and imported endings from the prime Europe of the late 19th century.
Walking through its halls, the expositions, of the photographer Andy Goldstein, “Vivir en la tierra” and “Río IV” can be appreciated. The exposition "Vivir en la tierra" was a photographic production he performed in the years 2010 and 2011, in which he portrays slum area settlements of 14 di‑erent cities of Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Peru and Dominican Republic). The pictures show the poor conditions and social exclusion in which millions of people live in all along Latin America. In this itinerant work, which arrives to the city of Cordoba after having visited di‑erent countries in Latin America, Goldstein shows us an incisive, yet respectful look of the reality of people who live in slum areas. To do so, the author invites the audience to choose in which way, where and how they want to perceive the images, which, through panoramic lens, he gets to capture with the same quality in the shot the people and the environment around them.
"Pictures taken by Andy Goldstein in well-known settlements, o‑er information to answer the following questions. How do di‑erent generations live under such conditions? and, how do they see themselves?" Describes Dr. Néstor García Canclini.
On the other hand, "Río IV", performed in 1974, is a set of photographs by which the artist reflects the daily life in that city in the South of Cordoba during his period teaching Photography at the National University of Rio IV.
Worth saying, this exposition begins with the need of the author to show his work, as a way of having survived the last Coup d'état in Argentina. "Rio Cuarto" was the rst exhibition of the photographer Andy Goldstein.
The exhibitions will remain opened until Sunday, August 28th, Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. General Ticket $15, kids under the age of 12, students and the elderly charge-free. Wednesday no charge.
Palacio Dionisi Museo de Fotografía
Agencia Córdoba Cultura
Gobierno de la Provincia de Córdoba
Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen 622;Nueva Córdoba
Córdoba - Argentina