The Exposition of Collective Euro-American Photographics, E.CO, starts its international journey in Sao Paulo
The exposition has been installed in the Cultural Center Sao Paulo of Brazil (, where it will be opened until the 25 of August. The show has another four traveling exhibitions provided from different Brazilian states (Belho Horizonte, Recife, Belem y Bahía) in order to travel to various Latin-American countries, hereafter.

In another part, the show continues to be open in Madrid, in the Antigua Fábrica de Tabacos de Madrid until the 22 of August, and it will travel in September to Soria, where the Antiguo Edificio del Banco of Spain will be installed.
The show contains more than 300 photographs and 11 videos revolving in the environment, which has realized 20 collective photographs originating in Germany (Ostkreuz), Argentina (Sub.Coop), Brazil (Cia de Foto y Garapa), Costa Rica (Colectivo Nómada), France (Odessa, Tendance Floue y Transit), Italy (TerraProject), Mexico (Mondaphoto), Peru (Supay Fotos y Versus Photo), Portugal (KameraPhoto), United Kingdom (Documentography), Venezuela (ONG), Spain (Blank Paper, NoPhoto, Pandora y Ruido Photo) and a collective that groups photographers from Eastern Europe.
The hours of the exposition in the Fábrica de Tabacos de Madrid (C/ Ambassadors, 53) is, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 11.00 h. to 21.00 h., uninterrupted (includes festivities). Monday, closed.
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