The collector Alec Oxenford announces his tenth call for travel grants for Argentine visual artists.
The Alec Oxenford Collection is pleased to offer Travel Scholarships to finance air travel expenses for Argentine artists who want to travel abroad for educational or professional purposes.

Each scholarship covers expenses for round trip air tickets from Argentina.
In the ninth edition they were selected:
Mariela Gouiric (Destination: Rio de Janeiro - Purpose: Residence)
Nele Wohlatz (Destiny: Recife - Purpose: Field research)
Mario Scorzelli (Destiny: Shanghai - Purpose: Field research)
Ruth Viegener (Destination: La Paz and Santa Cruz de la Sierra - Purpose: Field research)
Lorenzo Anzoátegui (Destination: Los Angeles - Purpose: Field research and exhibition)
Paulo Burgos (Destination: Port-au-Prince - Purpose: Field research)
Ramiro Oller (Destination: Tokio - Purpose: Field research)
In this tenth call, corresponding to the first semester of 2018, four scholarships will be awarded and announced during the second half of May.
Applications will be received from Tuesday, April 3 to Friday, April 27, for trips and internships starting on June 1 and ending on December 30, 2018.