The photo gallery of the Teatro San Martín reopens
Created in 1985 by Sara Facio, who directed it until 1998 to be followed by Juan Travnik, the FotoGalería of the San Martín Theater became, in these decades of exhibitions, a space of inescapable reference and cult within the circuit of photography and the Argentine visual arts

The PhotoGallery of the Teatro San Martín (Av. Corrientes 1530) will reopen under the direction of a new curatorial committee, made up of Rosana Schoijett, Bruno Dubner and Ariel Authier. The first exhibition, called Máxima Reserva, will be held in June and will consist of a photographic exhibition of the artists Lucrecia Plat and Carlos Guinzburg.
Under his new curatorial committee, the space will seek to continue giving an account of the complexity of the photographic medium, providing an overview of its rich diversity. Through investigations in archives, of authorial essays, or articulating works around a theoretical or formal hypothesis, the successive exhibitions that will be carried out in FotoGalería, will put on stage the different aesthetic currents of photography. A journey that will discover new possible genealogies that help to see from other points of view, reflecting and re-thinking about the place that photography occupies today and its relations with the world of things, ideas and representation.
The general director Jorge Telerman says:
"Since its creation in 1985, the Photo Gallery of the Teatro San Martín -founded by Sara Facio and later directed by Juan Travnik- was proposed to exhibit the best national and international photography, with a criterion of plurality and rigor in the choice of artists and samples thanks which managed to become a reference space for the field of photography and the visual arts.
Now, under the direction of a new curatorial committee made up of Rosana Schoijett, Bruno Dubner and Ariel Authier, FotoGalería will continue in the task of accounting for the complexity and diversity of photography, as well as discovering new genealogies and reflecting on the place that occupies this invention that, almost two centuries after its birth, continues to modify our perception of the world and people. "
At the beginning of June, the first exhibition of the 2018 season of the FotoGalería del Teatro San Martín will be inaugurated. The exhibition, called Máxima Reserva, will consist of images by photographer Lucrecia Plat (Buenos Aires, 1942) and artist Carlos Ginzburg (La Plata, 1946).
The images of Plat address some spaces of pleasure, social events, cocktails or fashion shows in the Buenos Aires of the 60s and 70s, with a view that circulates between the incisive and the instantaneous; while those of Ginzburg, made during trips to exotic places of the world at the end of the 70s, parody the massification of global tourism and problematize the place of the artist as a spectator.
Maximum reserve is an exhibition where two different photographic practices, social photography and photo-conceptualism converge on the same plane, to give rise to another idea of an era, of Pop, and of photography as a document. The exhibition may be visited daily with free admission.