During yesterday and today afternoon, with the purpose of celebrating the UTDT 2018 Film Program held at the Torcuato Ditella University (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Con la vista nublada no se ve nada (With a cloudy sight nothing is seen) is a collective exhibition where the program participants project and exhibit the work during the year. Also, works of artists invited to the 2018 edition and previous years are exhibited.

Andrés Di Tella, Director of the Film Program, explained that the objective of this show is not to reveal finished results. "This is not a closing show," he explains in the first sentence of his text. On the contrary, it is one more part of the vertiginous process the participants of the program are experiencing. "What defines the modus operandi of the Film Program is, precisely, the constant work, with no final goal in sight," Di Tella continues, adding that the essence of the program is for artists to move away from common places and find "ideas through pure and simple practice ".
Yesterday afternoon, the works of Verónica Balduzzi, Franca Barone, Cecilia Catalin, Mercedes Gaviria, Pedro Merlo, Pavel Tavares, Mariano Vespa and Paola Buontempo (the latter participated as a guest at the Film Laboratory 2013. Today, from 18:00 the works of Agustín Adba, María Boughen, Florencia Clérico, Marina Layana, Jayson McNamara, Damiana Poggi, Malena Vain and Juliana Gonzalez (invited to the Cinema Program 2017) will be screened.
As always, the program featured seminars by important filmmakers such as Lucrecia Martel, James Benning, Joa Pedro Rodrigues and Joa Rui Guerra Da Mata in order to provide multiple perspectives for projects approaches. Also, this edition had guest professors such as Andrés Denegri and Alejo Moguillansky.
Conceived under an empirical-theoretical method, another UTDT Film Program leaves its legacy with a projection of works and unfinished ideas. Such as Andrés Di Tella accurately quotes Goethe to refer to the university program: "There is such a delicate form of the empirical that it automatically transforms into theory."