arteBA announces the new edition of DIXIT, curated by Lara Marmor, Federico Baeza and Sebastian Vidal Mackinson.
As part of the presentations of the 25th anniversary edition, arteBA Foundation presented Oasis. Afinidades conocidas e insospechadas en un recorrido por la producción artística de nuestro tiempo, the new edition of Dixit, to be held in arteBA from 19 to 22 May at La Rural.

Buenos Aires. The presentation of DIXIT 2016 took place in the halls of the Palace Duhau. This year the curatorial team in charge of the proposal -with an exhibition of more than 900 m2 and more than 50 artists- is composed by the winners of Young Curators 2013, 2014 and 2015 Program: Lara Marmor, Federico Baeza and Sebastian Vidal Mackinson.
Among the participating artists are included Adrian Villar Rojas, Marcelo Pombo, Victor Florido, Roberto Jacoby, Valentin Demarco, Diego Bianchi, Gabriel Baggio, Eduardo Estupía, Jane Brodie and Sebastian Gordin, among others.
New this year, the section will provide an additional exhibition space that will function as a platform for a series of talks and a program of activities around literature, cinema and theater, expanding the boundaries of the visual to cover all fields of artistic production. And like the previous two years, Dixit will have its own publication with essays by the curators and special contributors.