‘screening - Jimmie Durham: not about me’ a project by Cristian Manzutto
Kurimanzutto presents ‘screening - Jimmie Durham: not about me’ a project by Cristian Manzutto on 11-13 and 17-20 may, 2018

This long form video essay on the life and work of Jimmie Durham contains footage shot on a number of different occasions over the past decade. Cristian Manzutto spent time with Durham while working in his studio or installing an exhibition, and during public conversations or seated around the dinner table in a private setting. Rather than interviewing the artist, he simply shot what was happening in that moment allowing for numerous candid, and completely unscripted, moments. Non-linear and non-narrative, the film provides insights into various facets of Durham’s practice and the topics that inspire him his thinking about materials, and the role of the artist in society his thoughts on religion, history, Indian nations, colonialism and his overall philosophy of life and art.
12 to 3 pm
3 to 6 pm
6 to 9 pm
gob. rafael rebollar 94
col. san miguel chapultepec
11850 ciudad de México