Carlos Cruz-Diez
La Cometa, Bogota
Together with Jesús Rafael Soto and Alejandro Otero, Carlos Cruz- Diez is considered one of the precursors of the Kinetic Movement that developed in Paris between the 50s and the 60s, and which included a high share of Venezuelan artists. His artistic proposal, configured through his rigorous research on color, has subordinated form to the experience of the chromatic phenomenon. Proof of this are the works Duchas de inducción cromática (2009), which invite the viewer to enter into a cylindrical space, where each factor plays a fundamental role in his/her sensitive experience.

The selection, focused on the artist’s recent production, comprised some of his series, among them Physichromie, Couleur Additive, Addition Chromatique, Chromointerférence and Induction Chromatique, works that summarize, to a large extent, the artist’s production, if one considers that each one of these series has been worked on since its conception to date.
Cruz-Diez’s importance in the panorama of Latin American visual art, lies not only in his artistic contribution, with which he manages to turn color into an “autonomous event capable of invading space without the help of form, without anecdotes, devoid of symbols”; but rather in the dynamics that his work imparted by opening other roads of reflection, away from modernist and Americanist discourses, which predominated in the generation that replaced Mexican muralists.
Showers of Chromatic Induction, 2009. Plexiglas,
82.7 in in height, 35.4 in. in diameter. Courtesy of La Cometa Gallery. Duchas de inducción cromática, 2009. Plexiglás, 210 cm. altura, 90 cm. diámetro. Cortesía: Galería La Cometa