Color – instructions for use
Vasari, Buenos Aires
As a heart-felt paradox and a homage, Mirtha Dermisache (Buenos Aires, 1940-2012) is included among the seven artists of the exhibition Color - instructions for use. The characteristic color of this artist’s work was black, the color of the “murmur of the world…, of the letter [that] hides in blocks of ink and the graphism [which] frees itself from words”, as expressed by French curator Philippe Cyroulnik, director of the Regional Center of Contemporary Art of Montbelliard, France, a connoisseur of Argentinean art.

Forms and plays in the oeuvre of Argentinean and French artists who experiment with the models of primary colors, light and pigment, and with achromatic colors, like in Dermisache’s works.
Diversity of approaches and supports, abstract and monochrome practices, casual and associative variables, in the trials and tests of the enveloping and well executed assemblage. While Fabián Burgos (Buenos Aires, 1962) and Verónica de Toro (Buenos Aires, 1974) persist in the geometric abstractions with optic relations, in her drawings Karina Peisajovich (Buenos Aires, 1966) plays with the basic rules of the color theory. Emmanuel Van Der Meulen (París, 1972) and Olivier Filippi (Paris, 1969), in turn, enroll in the abstract tradition, and Juan José Cambre (Buenos Aires, 1948) establishes a relationship with the sober quality of the abstract.