Daniel Santiago Salguero
AFA, Santiago
The Colombian artist Daniel Santiago Salguero presented, at Galería AFA, a show that revisits, through five installations, his work of the past few years, in which he reflects on “the passing of the days”. In each one of them the artist presents the exercises and actions which, based on the concepts of work, paternity and world rhythm were carried out in the middle of everyday tasks, in an absolutely daily context.

"I have been counting days for some years now. I have lived 8,386 days, already crossed out in the Roman calendar that is hanging on the wall. I have found it interesting to highlight the unique value of each day I have lived”
To highlight every day he has lived is undoubtedly one of the subjects that Daniel Santiago wishes to propose in his work and mainly in these five installations. Through the compilation of objects, images and experiences, he knits stories that interweave with moments of his life.
The show begins with the installation Diarios de Clips (Clip Newspapers), an exercise that consists of a daily compilation of this object, later filed in a notebook together with some other paper, thus creating small connections between them and other objects such as coins, bills and candy wrappers, thus intertwining stories.
In 1985-2085 d.c. (1985-2085 A.D.), instead, the room leads to five chairs placed one beside the other. On each one of them – each chair symbolizes “a moment” – there is a rope, a guiding principle with no beginning or end, which according to Daniel Santiago, leaves open the possibility of a before and an after, yet focusing us on the present.
Further ahead, in the installations “Diario a distancia”, and 100 días (100 days), attributed to twin brothers Santiago Chapeu and Daniel Miope, characters created by Daniel Santiago, he once again performs an exercise which requires the constancy of an everyday action, but this time based on photography. In the first installation, the action performed consisted in taking a daily photograph during 365 days, using the camera of his mobile phone, and each image was then sent to three different places in the Americas (Sao Paulo, Santiago and Toronto). Those who received the images had to print them and stick them on their walls, in this way sharing those moments in spite of distance. Something similar happens in 100 días (100 days), where Salguero repeats this action, from a town outside the city where, through photography, he narrates his little discoveries in the countryside, sending the images obtained to Santiago and Sao Paulo every week, turning those who receive them into accomplices of his adventures. A narration that for the artist is “the discovery of a new world”.
Daniel Santiago Salguero (Colombia, 1985) studied audiovisual media, with emphasis on photography, at the Politécnico Grancolombiano University in Bogotá City (2003-2008). He also studied Visual Arts at FAAP University and at Sao Paulo University and has participated in workshops and training courses in Brazil and the United States. He has had solo shows in prestigious galleries and cultural centers in Colombia, Brazil and Chile.
Daniel Santiago Salguero
1985-1085 d.c, 2009. Galería AFA 2011 / AFA Gallery 2011
Courtesy/cortesía Galería AFA