Fabián Marcaccio
Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno-San Antonio Abad, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Fabián Marcaccio (Rosario, Argentina, 1963) has deservedly established himself as one of the most evident renovators of the Latin American pictorial language.

In the mid 1990s, he began to develop a production in which he combined painting, photography and digital print alongside architectonic techniques which he called P aintants. Thus these pieces took on a dimension and a volume which did not correspond to the techniques of painting or of sculpture, and they also became experiments and icons of what the survival of painting should be in the context of the new digital era. The inclusion of the new media in the panorama of art and the multiplication of messages has implied a modification in the perception of the environment and a point of departure for the analysis of present-day reality seen through the eyes of Marcaccio.
This environment constitutes the best setting for Variants, the proposal curated by Octavio Zaya for the exhibition held at the old convent of San Antonio Abad in Las Palmas. The exhibition is comprised of eight works of pictorial origin which, with the inclusion of diverse mixed media and the utilization of the traditional painting materials – silicone could not be absent as the main identity sign – reflect his postulates regarding the relationship between the purest figuration and abstraction. Backed by informative documentation, the intense language employed exerts an influence on the suppression of the subject, both in its physical and its psychological aspects. In addition to the works loaned from private collections, the show features the site-specific installation Ánima painting , which, as if it symbolized the materialization of the rupture of painting’s traditional space, overflows the limits of the exhibition space.
Megan: Structural Canvas Paintant, 2010. Mixed media (pigmented ink on canvas, aluminum, alkyd paint, silicone), 68 x 82.6 x 63.7 in. Courtesy Joan Prats Gallery/Técnica mixta (tinta pigmentada sobre tela, aluminio, pintura alquídica, silicona). 172,7 x 210 x 162 cm. Cortesia Galería Joan Prats.