Rivane Neuenschwander
Fortes Vilaça, São Paulo
Out of reach is an idea running through Rivane Neuenschwander’s latest works. After her solo show at New York’s New Museum, where the artist ripped a wall to shreds in search of hidden microphones, her new series of pieces now on show at Fortes Vilaça’s warehouse space in São Paulo seems to advance further into the idea of attaining what is hard to get.

In the massive space of the gallery, Neuenschwander created a labyrinth of barriers and improvised walls made with materials normally used to restrict access to construction sites. These are urban structures, often precarious in nature and design, meant to fend off intruders.
The route she creates is thus one of isolation, repulse instead of attraction. Viewers are kept away from pieces placed behind the barriers and are often misled into dead ends within the gallery, only to return through the corridors already explored.
Neuenschwander speaks here of repetition and the meandering paths of artistic discourse. No work seems to be in direct connection to the viewer and understanding a piece may mean getting lost in a labyrinth at first. The other works in the show simulate in careful constructions what would be destruction patterns in forest fires or the shapes of oil spills at sea, as though she harnessed and then detoured the power of uncontrollable destruction towards a maze of aesthetic creation.
Fora de alcance
Exhibition view at Galpão Fortes Vilaça, 2012
Photo: Eduardo Ortega | Courtesy Galeria Fortes Vilaça, Sao Paulo.
-Hernan Carrara"