Arte al Día is pleased to present a new editorial section. With a more holistic view of art, the new Architecture section is proposed as a platform for expansion. It will be carried out under the curatorship of the Argentine architect Alejandro Vaca Bononato.

"All artistic vocation is built from an intellectual field" defends Alejandro to describe the intersections between art and architecture. Academic and philosophical, Alejandro holds a vision about the artistic conception that is not rooted in discipline or technique, but in frontier work. In this sense, his vision for this new section in Arte al Día promises an opening to the enigmatic, indeterminate and poetic aspects of Architecture.
In a questioning of the multiple and almost chaotic frontiers that have been created in the art universe, the publications in the Architecture section will somehow try to approximate and value the expressive, committed and avant-garde character of this branch of knowing and doing. In addition, the section aims to address both universal and particular issues and question the different subjectivities that shaped Art and Architecture.
Alejandro Vaca Bononato (b. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1961) is an Architect graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires (1986) with a Gold Medal and Diploma of Honor. Since then, he has been teaching at university: he is Chair Professor of Degree Final Project, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Belgrano, where he is also Director of the Double Diploma Thesis Workshop UB / Politécnico di Milano Facoltá di Architettura Civile - Politécnico di Torino II, Facoltà di Architettura - The IUAV University of Venice, Facoltá di Architettura - and the École Spéciale d`Architecture de Paris. At the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires (FADU UBA), Vaca Bononato is Chair Professor for Architecture I, II, III, IV, Urban Project and Architectural Project, and Director of the Documentation Center (Library Arch. Manuel Ignacio Net, FADU).
Among his publications are Claudio Caveri, Colección Maestros de la arquitectura argentina (edited by CLARIN ARQ-Institute of American Art), Experimentar, Poéticas desde la frontera, XV Envío Argentino de la Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia (edited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture, General Directorate of Cultural Affairs) and Josef Albers, La Interacción del color (edited by the Documentation Center-Library FADU UBA)
Alejandro Vaca Bononato en la Fundación Querini Stampalia, obra de Carlo Scarpa en Venecia
In 2016, Alejandro Vaca Bononato was the Artistic Director of the Argentine representation at the XV Architecture Venice Biennale. Together with Atilio Pentimalli, curator of the project, they devised the exhibition entitled "ExperimentAR, Poetics from the Border" that illustrated a type of architecture that faces mystery through the construction of new meanings: "Architectures, ways of doing and living; poetics that brew memories of the future. (…) In short, American crossbreeds, architectures that come from the border, not only a physical one, but intellectual… ”
*cover: Casa Fiorilli, by Jorge Scrimaglio in Arroyo Seco. Photo: AVB archive