The Ecuadorian gallery +ARTE presents the group exhibition Vestigios Metabólicos (Metabolic Vestiges), curated by Alí Cotero, Adriana Flores and Gabriela Moyano.

How do we form new and meaningful connections through art? How do we genuinely collaborate and create? Since 2022, +ARTE gallery proposes a group of exhibitions that brings together the work of local and international artists to consider these questions and, through their respective work, achieve the coexistence of two realities.
The exhibition Vestigios Metabólicos is the fifth proposal of this project. This group exhibition at +ARTE gallery is promoted by Alí Cotero (Tlaxcala 3), Adriana Flores (Lava) and Gabriela Moyano (+ARTE). Works by 15 artists from Latin America will be presented at +ARTE Gallery (Quito, Ecuador), and then in 2024 the project will be taken to Tlaxcala 3 (CDMX, Mexico).
This exchange project seeks to expose, make visible and continue the internationalization of artistic projects, thus promoting dialogues and collaborations between different galleries, spaces and agents of Latin American contemporary art.
Gabriela Moyano expressed: "Working together in an organized and equitable way amplifies our power by demonstrating that the vision of the world we are fighting for has movements before our own. Meetings of this nature emphasize human connections. Without a doubt, collective power is the driving force of this project, the malleability and fluidity with which it has developed and materialized connects us not only with the configuration of this exhibition but also with the selected artistic proposals themselves. Vestigios (Vestigial) comes from the Latin word for traces; structures that were thought of as signs in time, giving us small clues of what came before. Atrophied traces, which apparently having lost their function in the course of evolution were not used for long, being pushed aside: they became vestigial. We return to what was set aside and what was thought unnecessary, but now we realize that it is underneath us as a hint, accompanying and sustaining us”.
Participating artists: Pamela Abad (ECU), Sonia Bandura (ARG), Raffaella Descalzi (ECU), Ma. Fernanda García (ECU), Aileen Gavonel (PER), Gabriela Lobato (MX), Liz Mevill (MX), Fernanda Murray (ECU), Mariana Paniagua (MX), Daniel Robles Lizano (MX), Lucía Taibo (MX), Daniela Terroba (MX), Sebastián Terrones (MX) and Brenda Vega (ECU).
Vestigios metabólicos (Metabolic vestiges). Group exhibition.
Curated by Alí Cotero, Adriana Flores and Gabriela Moyano.
Until November 10, 2023.
+ARTE gallery. Av. 12 de Octubre N26-48 & Lincoln, Mirage Building. Quito, Ecuador.