The Quimera gallery, in Buenos Aires, exhibits Sueño Sombra (Dream Shadow) in its Qubo³ space. There Muleiro unfolds a curious tangible scene that crosses the viewers and at the same time induces them through a kind of trance.

Next, the accompanying text written by Jen Zapata:
Dream Shadow - An unfolding exercise
Sleep is the shadow of the earth that falls on our consciousness. For the human animal, sleep is the shadow of the earth that gets under our skin and spreads over our extremities, thus dissolving our individual will into the thousand and one beings that compose it.
David Abraham.
For psychoanalysis, the dream is a formation of the unconscious, it is the convergence of two states of consciousness. A scheme of drives that represent desires and censorship not visible to cognitive logic, the "royal road to access the unconscious", where an altered and expansive state of consciousness is produced. Tadeo Muleiro invites us to inhabit vulnerability from those intimate and sensitive passages of the internal forum. Giving shape to those elements that guard the most natural instincts and manifest themselves in corridors without protection during wakefulness.
With the presence of strong scenographic and theatrical features, Muleiro presents a scene suspended between two dimensions, a vertiginous atmosphere between the oneiric and the sensory. A room decorated with soft textile sculptures surround the doppelgänger of the artist who rests under a certain trance. With a kind of repetitive compulsion of motifs such as hands, faces and reflections, the surrounding objects fold over space, making the synchrony of two parallel worlds coincide for an instant, inviting one to stop and submerge in the clearest and deepest shadows of conscious sleep.
Tadeo Muleiro is a conjurer, an urban shaman who connects worlds and links cosmologies. He warns about the depths of the intangible and his curiosity for the transcendental forms of understanding lead him to a game of archetypes and rituals. As if it were a meticulous training, the artist shares his vision of the living experience, the journey from one ecosystem to another hand in hand with the most sincere escort: the spectator who accompanies the tour.
Tadeo Muleiro (1983, Argentina) lives and works in Buenos Aires. He has a degree in Visual Arts from the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino and professor of sculpture at the National University of Arts of Argentina. He obtained national and international scholarships, among which the artistic residency at La Napoule Art Foundation in Nice (France) in 2020 and the residency at the Building Bridges Art Exchange in Los Angeles (USA) stand out. In Belgium, GloArt Center financed his "Cernunnos" project carried out in Lanaken in 2019. He received in 2012 the Visual Arts Scholarship from the National Fund for the Arts of Argentina. Among his exhibitions, the following stand out: Arte en Juego, Fundación PROA, Buenos Aires 2021; Station E: In transit at Building Bridges Art Exchange Gallery, Los Angeles, California 2019; Extracorporeal: Beyond the Body at MOLAA, Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, California in 2018 and Borges: Ficciones de un Tiempo Infinito at CCK Centro Cultural Kirchner in Buenos Aires, 2016. His work was exhibited across the country in solo shows in different provinces of Argentina such as the Timoteo Navarro Museum of Fine Arts in Tucumán, the Franklin Rawson Museum of Fine Arts in San Juan and the Rosa Galisteo Museum in Santa Fé.