TREMOR collects and revisits the reflections on painting, cinematographic noema and experimental video that Sandra Rengifo started in 2016 with the work Los Lirios del Campo y las Aves del Cielo. It is a kind of "synthetic Neo-romanticism" that gathers the premises of existentialism, the process of the everyday, the revisiting of the past and thinking about the present: carrying bodies, diseased bodies, caring bodies, bodies suffering from inclement weather.

From lat. tremor, -ōris.
1. m. Shaking.
2. m. Beginning of the shaking
3. m. Involuntary, somewhat rhythmic movement, contractions that involve oscillations or spasms of one or more parts of the body.
This is a solo exhibition of recent work by Rengifo, who, together with Chilean art historian and curator Jose M. Santa Cruz G., explores the notions of labor, body, time, and materiality. Her works refer to the body as alienated materiality in labor, understanding it as a directionality subject to the experience of contemporary capitalism:
“General plains are articulated as events in space:” the artist shares, “figures that are lost, hunger marches, land debris in rural areas, altered cosmogonic passages, intervened. Painting as a state of suspension and consolation of the gazes that pierce us from the iconography of the working and peasant class, markings and concealments on the territory and the landscape."
Santa Cruz has established a dialogue with the Actant-Rhizome Theory proposed by Bruno Latour, which has opened, from a new methodological proposition, the possibility of understanding the social world from an approach that fundamentally explores both material relationships (between objects and subjects) as semiotics (between meanings and concepts) in social fields. This conceptual apparatus allows the construction of an interpretive framework for Rengifo's work insofar as her representations involve the notions of matter, body and work, united by the permanent flow of labor and information dynamics in the contemporary world.
TREMOR can be understood as a telluric tremor, as the beginning or precursor of a tectonic tremor, such as an earthquake. In this way, the project is formulated around the "tremor" of bodies and the earth under contemporary sociopolitical dynamics: tremor due to exhaustion and exploitation, but also tremor as resistance, as cataclysmic potential that harbors the possibility of shaking the structure of capital flow.
The references and visual and sound materials to which Rengifo has remitted to carry out her work exhibited at TREMOR include the corpus of cello played by Nikos Veliotis, the sounds of storms synthesized by Rune Borup, the photographic suspensions made by Kostas Tsanakas, the lyrics that express the inexpressible of Fliehende Stürme, and fundamentally the glances of beings that manifest themselves in the midst of the turbulence.
Sandra Rengifo (Bogotá - 1979) is a visual artist from the Academia Superior de Artes de Bogotá and holds a Master's degree in Visual Arts from the National University of Colombia. She currently works as a teacher at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia and the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, as well as Art Director for dance, videos and feature films. In the same way, she has made museum designs, video clips and curatorial projects for various artists and national and international entities. Her work as an audiovisual artist, photographer and painter has been exhibited in various spaces and events such as the MAMBO Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Modern Art of Medellín MAMM, Museum of Contemporary Art of Bogotá, Museo La Tertulia in Cali, Cinemateca Distrital de Bogotá , the MAMU in Bogotá, the L 'Alternative Film Festival in Barcelona, the Danish Film Institute, the Panorama Colombia Berlin Film Festival, the Anhydrite Media Arts Biennial in Germany, among others. She is the winner of the New Young Talent Names Award from the French Alliance 2010, the Chamber Art Award 2015 and the Intermediate Career Artist Creation Award from the Ministry of Culture of Colombia 2017, among other honorable mentions.
Curated by José M. Santa Cruz G.
Until Friday, December 10, 2021
Casa Hoffmann | Cra 2A # 70 - 25, Bogotá, Colombia
Support by: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Bogotá
Winning project of the Santa Fe Gallery Network Grant 2021 - Continuous Programming.