Pedro Cabrita Reis (Lisbon, Portugal, 1956) celebrates his half century of artistic production in ATELIER, a complex and complete exhibition that covers what is, perhaps, one of the most relevant proposals of the last decades that has emerged from the Portuguese plastic arts. More than 1,500 works from his personal collection fill eight pavilions of Mitra, a space donated by the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, located in Marvila, the same town where the artist lives and works.

This proposal, which can either be treated as a retrospective exhibition or as the possibility of immersing oneself in this world created by the artist himself and that it is he who leading the way to approach his work, takes us through his production without technical ties, from his paintings and engravings, to his initiatives in sculpture and photography.
In all this attempt to order the production at the time of showing it underlies the reading of transformation and evolution, not only for what is shown, but also for the process behind the organization of a certain chaos that is assumed to exist in the workplace. Thus, Cabrita Reis himself highlights the importance also of that internal management, of that creative outburst that can lead to starting a project without having finished another, of flowing between the spaces dedicated to creation without ties.
The magnitude of this exhibition project is also vital for the understanding and analysis of the evolution of the Portuguese artist's work and his relationship with his everyday environment, since many of the works in this ATELIER have never been exhibited before or are being shown for the first time in Portugal.
ATELIER Pedro Cabrita Reis (Foto Joao Ferrand_PCR Studio)
ATELIER Pedro Cabrita Reis (Foto Joao Ferrand_PCR Studio)
ATELIER Pedro Cabrita Reis (Foto Joao Ferrand_PCR Studio)
ATELIER Pedro Cabrita Reis (Foto Joao Ferrand_PCR Studio)
ATELIER Pedro Cabrita Reis (Foto Joao Ferrand_PCR Studio)
ATELIER Pedro Cabrita Reis (Foto Joao Ferrand_PCR Studio)
ATELIER Pedro Cabrita Reis (Foto Joao Ferrand_PCR Studio)
ATELIER Pedro Cabrita Reis (Foto Joao Ferrand_PCR Studio)
ATELIER, by Pedro Cabrita Reis, can be visited until July 28 at Mitra - Polo de Inovação Social, Rua do Açúcar 1-15, Marvila (Lisbon), Portugal.