The third edition of the Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo del Sur (BIENALSUR) organized by the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), an Argentine public university, will take place until December 2021 in more than 120 venues in 50 cities in 23 countries and the Vatican, with the participation of around 400 artists of various nationalities and different backgrounds.

Among the main art capitals such as Paris, Madrid, Japan, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Bogotá, among others, are added in 2021 cities such as Cuzco, in Peru; Manama in Bahreim; and Jeddah, in Saudi Arabia, in addition to Ryadh where BIENALSUR was already present in 2019. Likewise, the border city of Cúcuta on the Colombia-Venezuela border, and Crans-Montana in Switzerland, both recognized sites for their political and social importance, are once again sites of the expanded contemporary art cartography of BIENALSUR.
Cartografía de BIENALSUR
BIENALSUR inaugurated in July with an exhibition at the Lola Mora Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, city of Salta, Argentina. La escucha y los vientos. Relatos e inscripciones del Gran Chaco (Listening and the Winds. Stories and Inscriptions of the Great Chaco) is the title of the exhibition that brings together the work of more than 40 artisan women and other descendants of native peoples, artists, filmmakers and researchers, all inhabitants of the northern Argentine territory.
Retrato de Alicia Saravia, ceramista del grupo Orembiapo Maipora. Comunidad Tutiatí, Aguaray, Salta, Argentina. 2019. Foto por Milagro Tejerina
Piezas de cerámica de Vicenta Ovando, del grupo Orembiapo Maipora. Comunidad Tutiatí, Aguaray, Salta, Argentina. 2020. Foto por Andrea Fernández
Retrato de Gabriela Orio, del grupo Orembiapo Maipora. Comunidad Tutiatí, Aguaray, Salta, Argentina. 2021. Foto por Andrea Fernández
Artisan textiles, ceramics, soundscapes, writings and audiovisual essays reflect on aesthetic productions with messages linked to the struggles for memory and territories, their stories and inscriptions. Both for Andrea Fernández, curator of the exhibition, and for Marcela López Sastre, director of the Provincial Museum of Fine Arts Lola Mora, La escucha y los vientos. Stories and inscriptions of the Gran Chaco traces networks and widens the perspective on the complexity of the collective work at the same time that it makes a great reading of the territory and its actors.
Cortesía de BIENALSUR
Silat: "Silat (Mensaje)". Paño de lana acrílica realizado con técnica de crochet por tejedoras del colectivo Thañí/Viene del monte de comunidades wichí del norte de Salta (Argentina). Foto de Victoria Tomaschko.
Mujeres trabajadoras: "Olä'itilkätwuet'a t'a hochuma'as". Paño de lana acrílica realizado con técnica de crochet por tejedoras del colectivo Thañí/Viene del monte de comunidades wichí del norte de Salta (Argentina). Foto de Jorgelina Amaya.
Resplandor del sol: "Ifwala lha´l (Resplandor del sol)". Textil de fibra de chaguar realizado con enlazado tradicional por Claudia Alarcón, tejedora del colectivo Thañí/Viene del monte. Foto de Andrea Fernández.
Itiyuro: Imagen del ensayo documental "Territorio" de Brayan Sticks (2020).
“Oso Hormiguero” de Pajita Garcia Bes (1978). Fotografía de archive
“The importance of this first exhibition that unites poetic gestures of resistance, collective creativity and future projections, supports one of the fundamental objectives of the innovative platform for contemporary art and culture that is BIENALSUR to tear down walls to cross not only geographical borders but, and very especially, social and cultural distances, in this way tracing a convergence of the community”, indicated Aníbal Jozami and Diana Wechsler, general director and artistic director of BIENALSUR, respectively.
Km: 1285
Location: Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Lola Mora - Salta
Belgrano 992, Salta