Pinta PArC, Peru Contemporary Art inaugurated its tenth edition. A unique opportunity to discover and explore contemporary art proposals from around the world and, especially, innovative initiatives from the region.

Main Section: a window to the world of contemporary art
This section features more than forty galleries from all over the world. They were selected for the quality of their artists and the novelty of the projects presented. This year, more than 200 artists from the region are participating in order to continue reinforcing the objective of promoting and showing the quality of Latin American artistic production.
Each gallery's proposal is unique and offers a singular view of contemporary art, where diversity and dynamism play a key role. As a whole, they function as a great reflection of the Latin American art scene and its importance in the contemporary global context.
Jorge Cabieses. Sin título. De la serie Concreto. Poliuterano sobre triplay fenólico. 2023. 122x110cm. Galería El Museo.
Juan Francisco Casas. ArtemisiaJudithLolita. Bolígrafo y rotulador de tinta de archivo pigmentada sobre papel. 2018. 36x26,5cm. Galería Fernando Pradilla.
Sofía Neptuno. Sin título. Acrílico sobre lienzo. 2022. 150 x 120cm. Galería Fleisch.
Jorge Tacla. Señal de Abandono 46. Oil and cold wax on canvas. 2020. 40.07 x 48.03cm. Galería Ginsberg.
Fabrizio Arrieta. EL dilema. Acrílico sobre lienzo. 2023. 150 x 260cm. Klaus Steinmetz Arte Contemporáneo.
Antonio Samudio. Madonna. Óleo sobre tela. 2016.
47 x 72 cm. LGM Galería.
Carolina Bazo. Fósiles Actuales. Fotoperformance. 2023. 40 x 40cm. Edición 1/5. O ART PROJECT.
Solo Dúo Projects: the environment of modernisms
The Solo Dúo Projects section seeks to highlight the production of contemporary artists, delving into the work of one or two selected artists per gallery. Artists are selected whose work –from the undefined poetic space of contemporary art– review the paradigm of modernity, attending to its lights and shadows, throwing questions to its resonant echoes.
The eternal return of modernisms – by Florencia Battiti, curator, art critic and contemporary art teacher.
The force of a false common sense indicates that contemporary artists are mainly concerned with issues related to current affairs. In fact, etymologically "contemporary" means "on the same level in time", the very time one inhabits. However, there are a considerable number of artists who insist on rethinking modernisms through the prism of their practices. Whether it is considered an unfinished project or an exhausted paradigm, the narrative of modernity –its drifts, its fissures, its reformulations and questionings⎼ continues to function for multiple artists as a source from which they drink, as an archive to which they turn to review and question its canon, activate its references, reconsider both its humanist and utopian dimension and its colonial and authoritarian bias.
Juana Córdova. Simulador. Video instalación, 2018. Medidas variables. Duración video 5.20. Galería +ARTE.
Tony Vázquez Figueroa. It’s the west. Petropia. Impresión de archive de diapositiva Kodakcrome, manipulada con corte laser y plexiglás. 2022. 39 x 54cm / 81 x 109cm. Beatriz Gil Galería.
José Manuel Ballester. Entrada Pabellón Universal. Técnica mixta sobre madera. 1998. 58 x 79cm. Galería Daniel Cuevas.
María Silvia Corcuera Terán. De las Rayadas. Serie De las Rayadas. Acrílico sobre tela. 2015. 150 x 75cm. COTT.
Federico Ovalles. Cargo is matter #3. Serie Cargo is matter. Acrílicos y cemento sobre yute. 2022. 144 x 145 x 4cm. Galería Elvira Moreno.
Participating artists and galleries:
Miguel Aguirre / José Manuel Ballester (Daniel Cuevas Gallery, Spain).
Tony Vásquez Figueroa (Beatriz Gil Gallery, Venezuela).
Federico Ovalles (Elvira Moreno Gallery, Colombia).
Juana Córdova / Martina Miñó Pérez (+ Gallery, Ecuador).
María Silvia Corcuera (COTT Gallery, Buenos Aires).
Roberto Huarcaya (Rolf, Buenos Aires).
Pinta PArC
April 19 to 23, 2023.
Prado House. Av. 28 de julio 878. Miraflores, Lima, Peru.