Curated by Florencia Portocarrero, the NEXT section at Pinta PArC, Peru Contemporary Art, proposes the visualization of emerging galleries that were selected for their relevance within the contemporary scene of their regions.

NEXT is committed to making the work of young and/or emerging artists visible. The section seeks to function as a window where the fair's public can access the various Latin American cities where the gallery projects are registered; such as Salta, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Cusco and La Paz.
Participating galleries:
Aninat Galería, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Espacio Andrea Brunson | Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Constitución | Buenos Aires, Argentina.
NAC | Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Puro | La Paz, Bolivia.
Remota | Salta, Argentina.
Vigil Gonzales | Cusco, Perú / Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Micaela Piñero. Caminar por la paz. Vaciado en bronce. 2021. 17 x 25 x 8cm. Constitución galería.
Isidora Villarino. Ausencias/Presencias. Dibujo en base a pigmento y lápiz sobre papel. 2023. 40 x 60cm. Espacio Andrea Brunson.
Colomba Fontaine. Sin título 3. Esmalte sintético sobre aluminio. 2022. 120 x 110cm. NAC galería.
Maximiliano Siñani. 1342. Fotografía. 2023. 200 x 280 x 5cm. Puro Galería.
Matías de la Guerra. Autorretrato. Dibujo digital. 2022. 60 x 60cm. REMOTA art gallery.
Isaac Ruiz. Asuntos de salud pública (el derecho a morir en paz) III. Serie: Asuntos de salud pública (el derecho a morir en paz). Tipos sobre papel algodón. 2021. 29.7 x 21cm. Vigil Gonzáles Galería.
María Ossandón. Yokai. Tríptico. Cerámicas, dibujo a tinta y lápices polychrome sobre papel de algodón. 640 gramos, libre de ácido. Enmarcados con aluminio blanco y vidrio museo. 2022. 57 x 228cm. Aninat galería.
NEXT Award 2023
In this 2023 edition of Pinta PArC, the jury for the NEXT section award is composed of Alberto Servat –manager of ICPNA Cultural–, Carla Acevedo Yates –curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Chicago– and artist Ximena Garrida Lecca.
On Wednesday, April 19, Remota Galería was announced as winner, from the city of Salta, Argentina. The goal of the space is to disseminate local art production, which is varied and complex, to the world, and to contribute to local cultural development with exhibitions at the gallery. The gallery's staff of artists manages a wide range of aesthetics and productions that together attempt to show a cross-section of this scene that is multiple and intercultural. The gallery's directors are Gonzalo Elias and Guido Yannitto.
Florencia Portocarrero (Lima, 1981) is an independent curator. Inside and outside institutions, her cultural practice intertwines writing, teaching, lecturing and the organization of exhibitions and public programs. Her research interests focus on how to rewrite art history from a feminist perspective and the questioning of hegemonic forms of knowledge. From 2012 to 2013, Portocarrero participated in the Curatorial Program at the Appel Arts Centre in Amsterdam, and in 2015 she completed an MA in Contemporary Art Theory at Goldsmiths University in London. She has participated in several international congresses and her writings on art and culture appear regularly in specialized magazines and publications. In Lima, she has worked as curator of public programs at Proyecto AMIL (2015-2019) and was curatorial advisor to the Contemporary Art Acquisitions Committee of the Museo de Arte de Lima-MALI (2018-2020). Since 2014 she has been co-director of Bisagra; an art collective that has worked collaboratively with artists and professionals from different fields to carry out context-sensitive art projects.