Call for proposals is still open for artists, designers, collectives, networks, innovators, engineers, researchers and academics. Deadline for the call: December 9, 2022.

ISEA is a major international event focused on digital creation. Each year, the event is held in a different country. This trans-disciplinary conference reunites actors in digital arts, design, research, and cultural and creative industries (CCI) effecting tremendous creative progress.
Partnered with actors in 60 participating countries, ISEA2023 will lend international visibility digital ecosystems around the world, and to the French scene in particular. The event is also intended to raise public awareness regarding new forms of digital creation and the contemporary social issues to which they pertain.
In an era of global crisis—ecologic and economic; sanitary and socio-political—SYMBIOSIS is a notion that allows us to explore the metamorphoses afoot and to imagine possible futures. This symposium offers an incubator where artists, designers, scientists, and other thinkers will dialogue and debate on process and practice, exhibiting novel projects along the way.
Artists can apply in these different categories: short and long papers, panels and round tables, posters and demonstrations, institutional presentations, artist talks and works in progress, workshops and tutorials. Deadline for the call: December 9, 2022.
Imprimer la Lumière. Collaboration between Soft Matters-Ensadlab/ENSAD and CITA/ Royal Danish Aacademy. © Guro Tyse.