Art Explora, the international foundation that inspires new encounters between arts and audiences announced the 2023 residency open call for applications. Due date to submit is November 4th, 2022.

Art Explora and the Cité international des arts residency programme in Paris
To support international artists, Art Explora created in 2021 a biannual residency programme in collaboration with the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. The first residency session began in 2021 and since then has welcomed over 40 residents of all ages, disciplines and nationalities, at the Cité des Arts de Montmartre in the heart of Paris.
Until November 4, 2022, artists and researchers from all around the world can apply to this residency program, submitting a project that questions relations between art, science, technology, social and ecological contemporary challenges.
The third edition of the residency program will be divided in two sessions of six months, respectively starting in March and September 2023.
Two programs are proposed: a SOLO program for artists only; and a DUO program for a collaboration between and artist and a researcher or scientist based in France, and for artist collectives.
The programs offer the possibility for artists and researchers to carry out research and creation work in the heart of Paris, in connection with the French artistic and professional scene. The residents’ work focuses on the theme of scientific and technological exploration and confronts the major social and environmental issues of our time.
Eligible artistic disciplines: visual arts, performing arts, digital arts. Eligible areas of research: humanities, social sciences, sciences, technological innovation & sustainable development, art criticism & curating.
All residents will benefit from a fully-furnished studio for 3 or 6 months, a grant for living expenses and a production grant.
Apply HERE.