Kersgallery presents Architectures of Intimacy, a group show including artists Scott Anderson (USA), Jeroen Cremers (NL), Darius Dolatyari-Dolatdoust (FR), Robert Fry (UK) and Matías Salgado (ARG). Curated by Argentines Salgado and Mercedes Abella, this exhibition brings together works in textile, painting and sculpture. The inauguration will be held on Saturday, October 29th at Kersgallery Amsterdam.

The curated exhibition is focused on themes like identity, love and histories of migration. In doing so, the artworks relate to each other very intuitively. Paintings like Salgado’s and Anderson’s express overlapping emotions tied with both personal and universal concerns. Fry’s works, on the other hand, depict tension in a way that is deeply psychological and almost comforting.
Trouble-Tied, 2022. By Matías Salgado. Acrylic, oil on canvas. 140 x 95 cm
Fruitstand, 2017. By Scott Anderson. Oil on canvas. 101,6 x 127 cm
Love is in the Air, 2019. By Darius Dolatyari-Dolatdoust. Fabric patchwork. 220 x 220 cm
Untitled, 2020. By Robert Fry. Oil, collage and ink on etching. 45 x 30 cm
Talking Heads, 2018-2020. By Jeroen Cremers. Cardboard, spayprint, black screws. 35 x 25 x 20 cm each
Considering the exhibition’s title Architecture of Intimacy, it is interesting to see how abstraction and figuration meet. From the physicality of Cremer’s sculptures to the softness in Dolatyari’s textiles, the artworks express the different ways in which identity, relations and tensions can be constructed. “The element of architecture in this exhibition is owed to the shapes, connections and perspectives that we find in the works” shares Abella, one of the curators. And adds, “These speak of an intimacy that transcends individual dwellings to reach into collective imaginariums”.
Based in Amsterdam, Kersgallery presents contemporary artists. Founded in 2013, Kersgallery exhibits both Dutch and international artists, mostly inspired by the theatrical and incantated elements than can be found in both nature and urban life. The gallery, led by Annelien Kers, works in pushing the boundaries of conventional art marketing, working not only with traditional museums but also industries in fashion and sustainability.
This exhibition is carried out with the support of Konbu Groningen and Oedipus Amsterdam.
Architectures of Intimacy
Curated by Mercedes Abella & Matías Salgado
October 29th to December 10th
Kersgallery - Lindengracht 148, Amsterdam