The Mexican gallery –whose founder is Argentinean– opened a new venue in Buenos Aires and inaugurated the exhibition En algún lugar que aún existe (Somewhere that still exists), by artist Constanza Bardi.

Five years ago, Argentine artist Diego Beyró founded Casa Equis gallery in Mexico City with the premise of generating a bridge between the public and art. This year, he returned to his native country to inaugurate a new gallery in Buenos Aires.
Together with his partner Josefina Hagelstrom, they opened a space to give voice and space to emerging artists and potential collectors or art lovers who are just starting out in the world of visual arts. Merging customs from the traditional gallery circuit with alternative proposals from incipient artists or those with little trajectory, Casa Equis has an exhibition room for temporary exhibitions and another space with works by the more than twenty artists represented.
Diego Beyró y Josefina Hagelstrom.
En algún lugar que aún no existe (Somewhere that still exists) by artist Constanza Bardi is the gallery's first exhibition in Buenos Aires. The artist says: "This project investigates unconventional techniques, ways of looking in nature that are hidden to the human eye, such as ultraviolet light (which is only perceived by certain fish, insects and birds). Through the intervention of images and supports with an invisible paint reactive to UV light, new landscapes and universes emerge".
The installation uses an adhesive material used as a trap for insects in agriculture that, thanks to the ultraviolet light, are attracted and trapped as a way to control and monitor pests. By painting the matieral with UV visible paint, the artist seeks to highlight such practices that are hidden in daylight and to raise awareness of their effect on other species.
Constanza Bardi. Trampa UV, 2022. Instalación. Material adherente, pintura invisible reactiva a la luz UV, partículas fluorescentes, luz ultravioleta.
Constanza Bardi. Trampa UV, 2022. Instalación. Material adherente, pintura invisible reactiva a la luz UV, partículas fluorescentes, luz ultravioleta.
Constanza Bardi. Trampa UV, 2022. Instalación. Material adherente, pintura invisible reactiva a la luz UV, partículas fluorescentes, luz ultravioleta.
Vistas de la exhibición.
Vistas de la exhibición.
Vistas de la exhibición.
En algún lugar que aún no existe. Solo exhibition by Constanza Bardi.
Saturdays from 2pm to 7pm and during the week by appointment.
Casa Equis. Jorge Newbery 3816, Buenos Aires, Argentina.