
Strategies of Nostalgia in Art Positions

One of the most surprising sections in Art Basel Miami Beach 2011, and one in which Latin American art played an unprecedented leading role was Art Positions. Featured on this occasion in the fair premises, it gathered together 16 young galleries presenting individual projects by emerging artists from nine countries, among them Brazil, Peru, Mexico and Colombia.

By Adriana Herrera

Strategies of Nostalgia in Art Positions

By Adriana Herrera

One of the most surprising sections in Art Basel Miami Beach 2011, and one in which Latin American art played an unprecedented leading role was Art Positions. Featured on this occasion in the fair premises, it gathered together 16 young galleries presenting individual projects by emerging artists from nine countries, among them Brazil, Peru, Mexico and Colombia.

Lygia Pape at Serpentine Gallery

Serpentine Gallery, London, inaugurated a solo show by Lygia Pape (1927–2004), organized jointly by the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Projeto Lygia Pape and the gallery.


Lygia Pape at Serpentine Gallery

Serpentine Gallery, London, inaugurated a solo show by Lygia Pape (1927–2004), organized jointly by the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Projeto Lygia Pape and the gallery.

Cifo Presents Digestible News

Kreemart, an initiative that supports collective artistic projects, is presenting at CIFO Digestible NEWS by Miralda / Food Cultura. The observers are invited to participate in this collective work by making their own edible newspaper.


Cifo Presents Digestible News

Kreemart, an initiative that supports collective artistic projects, is presenting at CIFO Digestible NEWS by Miralda / Food Cultura. The observers are invited to participate in this collective work by making their own edible newspaper.

New Installation of works from De la Cruz Collection

Rather than doing a traditional thematic exhibition or creating a dialogue between the individual artists, this year's overall pattern could be interpreted as a large puzzle that transcends preconceived notions of authorship.


New Installation of works from De la Cruz Collection

Rather than doing a traditional thematic exhibition or creating a dialogue between the individual artists, this year's overall pattern could be interpreted as a large puzzle that transcends preconceived notions of authorship.

Durban Segnini Gallery pay tribute to Master Fernando de Szyszlo

At Fernando de Szyszlo´s 86 years (born in Lima, Perú, 192) Durban Segnini Gallery has joined in the spirit of the homage organised by the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), with a retrospective celebration that brought together more than hundred works.

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

Durban Segnini Gallery pay tribute to Master Fernando de Szyszlo

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

At Fernando de Szyszlo´s 86 years (born in Lima, Perú, 192) Durban Segnini Gallery has joined in the spirit of the homage organised by the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), with a retrospective celebration that brought together more than hundred works.

The Mercosur Biennial

The eighth edition of the Mercosur Biennial situates art in a privileged place; it discovers through the works of 105 artists from 31 countries a close relationship with the political events of our time without losing sight of the poetic.

By Ana Martínez Quijano, Buenos Aires

The Mercosur Biennial

By Ana Martínez Quijano, Buenos Aires

The eighth edition of the Mercosur Biennial situates art in a privileged place; it discovers through the works of 105 artists from 31 countries a close relationship with the political events of our time without losing sight of the poetic.

Remembrance of Armando Morales

Armando Morales (Nicaragua 1927 - Miami 2011), one of the pioneering masters of dialogue with the modernist avant-garde on the continent and who also built his language-as modern and contemporary, on the vast expanse of the landscape of central and South America, with its vast jungles and wild places.


Remembrance of Armando Morales

Armando Morales (Nicaragua 1927 - Miami 2011), one of the pioneering masters of dialogue with the modernist avant-garde on the continent and who also built his language-as modern and contemporary, on the vast expanse of the landscape of central and South America, with its vast jungles and wild places.

Terrible Beauty at

As the plane approached Dublin airport, the greenest of fields visible below, it suddenly hit me why the name The Emerald Isle is forever memorialized in Johnny Cash’s overwrought lyrics of Forty Shades of Green.

By Carla Stellweg, New York

Terrible Beauty at

By Carla Stellweg, New York

As the plane approached Dublin airport, the greenest of fields visible below, it suddenly hit me why the name The Emerald Isle is forever memorialized in Johnny Cash’s overwrought lyrics of Forty Shades of Green.

11th Lyon Biennial

The 11th Lyon Biennial proposes to visitors a “journey through imagination”. Combining humor and tragedy, poetry, provocation and utopia, the works of 78 international artists from 25 countries, created largely as statements, seek to “put the debate on art and reality on the table”.

By Patricia Avena Navarro, Paris

11th Lyon Biennial

By Patricia Avena Navarro, Paris

The 11th Lyon Biennial proposes to visitors a “journey through imagination”. Combining humor and tragedy, poetry, provocation and utopia, the works of 78 international artists from 25 countries, created largely as statements, seek to “put the debate on art and reality on the table”.

Cuba Now

At the entrance to the 21c Museum Hotel, in Louisville, Kentucky, guests and passers-by stop at the sight of some weird white suitcases that seemingly appear to be an abandoned luggage. When they notice they are made of concrete, they discover that the sculpture has been placed there to be used as a bench.

By Adriana Herrera Téllez, Miami

Cuba Now

By Adriana Herrera Téllez, Miami

At the entrance to the 21c Museum Hotel, in Louisville, Kentucky, guests and passers-by stop at the sight of some weird white suitcases that seemingly appear to be an abandoned luggage. When they notice they are made of concrete, they discover that the sculpture has been placed there to be used as a bench.


Eduardo Costantini frowned; he leaned over his computer screen and began to shake his head slowly in a gesture of disbelief. His displeasure was so evident that even María Bonta de la Pezuela, Sotheby’s director for Latin America, made a brief pause in her lecture.

By Celina Chatruc, Buenos Aires


By Celina Chatruc, Buenos Aires

Eduardo Costantini frowned; he leaned over his computer screen and began to shake his head slowly in a gesture of disbelief. His displeasure was so evident that even María Bonta de la Pezuela, Sotheby’s director for Latin America, made a brief pause in her lecture.

Arte al paso

In 1970, Emilio Hernández Saavedra –a member of a group of artists who, in the mid- 1960s, opted with urgency for a critical practice which might restate the aesthetic conservatism of the local scene.


Arte al paso

In 1970, Emilio Hernández Saavedra –a member of a group of artists who, in the mid- 1960s, opted with urgency for a critical practice which might restate the aesthetic conservatism of the local scene.

Cifo Art Space, Miami

For the eighth consecutive year, CIFO is celebrating its exhibition devoted to the acclaimed Cifo Grants and Commissions Program at the Cifo Art Space.

By Janet Batet, Miami

Cifo Art Space, Miami

By Janet Batet, Miami

For the eighth consecutive year, CIFO is celebrating its exhibition devoted to the acclaimed Cifo Grants and Commissions Program at the Cifo Art Space.

Somewhere better than this place. Nowhere better than this place.

The curatorial statement of Untitled (12th Istanbul Biennial), 2011 specifies the biennial’s intention to “explore the rich relationship between art and politics, focusing on works that are both formally innovative and politically outspoken, honest, controversial and critical.”

By Pablo León de la Barra

Somewhere better than this place. Nowhere better than this place.

By Pablo León de la Barra

The curatorial statement of Untitled (12th Istanbul Biennial), 2011 specifies the biennial’s intention to “explore the rich relationship between art and politics, focusing on works that are both formally innovative and politically outspoken, honest, controversial and critical.”

Sotheby´s Latin American Art Auction

The Latin American Art sale from Sotheby’s brought the overall sale total to $20,221,938, over the $19.1 million low estimate, with 66% of lots sold and 77.8% sold by value.


Sotheby´s Latin American Art Auction

The Latin American Art sale from Sotheby’s brought the overall sale total to $20,221,938, over the $19.1 million low estimate, with 66% of lots sold and 77.8% sold by value.

The sixth edition of Arte Laguna Prize

The sixth International Arte Laguna Prize, dedicated to visual artists from all over the world, postpones the deadline for entries until November 30, by mail, and December 6, for on-line applications.


The sixth edition of Arte Laguna Prize

The sixth International Arte Laguna Prize, dedicated to visual artists from all over the world, postpones the deadline for entries until November 30, by mail, and December 6, for on-line applications.

Pinta 2011: an echo for artists’ new searches

One of the most interesting aspects of the fifth edition of Pinta New York was the way in which different gallerists chose to show some works by renowned artists which are not their best known pieces but which, however, have a particular significance, as well as to include recent series that change the direction of their investigations.

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

Pinta 2011: an echo for artists’ new searches

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

One of the most interesting aspects of the fifth edition of Pinta New York was the way in which different gallerists chose to show some works by renowned artists which are not their best known pieces but which, however, have a particular significance, as well as to include recent series that change the direction of their investigations.

Noah Horowitz Joins The Armory Show

Paul Morris, Co-Founder of The Armory Show, announced today the appointment of Noah Horowitz, Ph.D., as the art fair’s Managing Director. Horowitz joins The Armory Show leadership team — including Morris and Managing Directors Michael Hall and Deborah Harris — effective today.


Noah Horowitz Joins The Armory Show

Paul Morris, Co-Founder of The Armory Show, announced today the appointment of Noah Horowitz, Ph.D., as the art fair’s Managing Director. Horowitz joins The Armory Show leadership team — including Morris and Managing Directors Michael Hall and Deborah Harris — effective today.

Pinta 2011:

The opening of the fifth edition of Pinta New York was market by two significant lines from the very nature of Latin American art: depth and heterogeneity.

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

Pinta 2011:

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

The opening of the fifth edition of Pinta New York was market by two significant lines from the very nature of Latin American art: depth and heterogeneity.

Sotheby’s New York

Sotheby’s fall sale of Latin American Art in New York on 16 and 17 November 2011 will showcase a range of Latin American painting and sculpture from the continents’ most important artists including exceptional works from important collections that are fresh to the market.


Sotheby’s New York

Sotheby’s fall sale of Latin American Art in New York on 16 and 17 November 2011 will showcase a range of Latin American painting and sculpture from the continents’ most important artists including exceptional works from important collections that are fresh to the market.

Phillips de Pury & Company Announces Highlights

Phillips de Pury & Company announces the highlights from its Latin American Contemporary Art auctions. The Evening auction will feature 33 lots with a low estimate of $5,935,000 and a high estimate of $8,205,000.


Phillips de Pury & Company Announces Highlights

Phillips de Pury & Company announces the highlights from its Latin American Contemporary Art auctions. The Evening auction will feature 33 lots with a low estimate of $5,935,000 and a high estimate of $8,205,000.

Christie’s New York

Christie’s New York announces details of its major fall Latin American Sale on November 15, and November 16.


Christie’s New York

Christie’s New York announces details of its major fall Latin American Sale on November 15, and November 16.

Consuelo Castañeda: For Rent

The feeling of uprootedness and of not belonging is one of the most problematic experiences émigrés must confront in the perennial ordeal that the loss of the place of birth and the adaptation to the country that takes them in entails.

By Janet Batet, Miami

Consuelo Castañeda: For Rent

By Janet Batet, Miami

The feeling of uprootedness and of not belonging is one of the most problematic experiences émigrés must confront in the perennial ordeal that the loss of the place of birth and the adaptation to the country that takes them in entails.

Molaa´s Symposium:

An international group of scholars, curators, museum directors and artists are discussing new approaches to the study and presentation of Latin American art in the 21st century.


Molaa´s Symposium:

An international group of scholars, curators, museum directors and artists are discussing new approaches to the study and presentation of Latin American art in the 21st century.

Inauguration of the exhibition Diego Rivera:

The exhibition Diego Rivera: Murals for The Museum of Modern Art reunites, for the first time in 80 years, five “portable murals,” freestanding frescoes with bold images addressing the Mexican Revolution and Depression-era New York that Rivera created at the Museum for his 1931–32 MoMA exhibition.


Inauguration of the exhibition Diego Rivera:

The exhibition Diego Rivera: Murals for The Museum of Modern Art reunites, for the first time in 80 years, five “portable murals,” freestanding frescoes with bold images addressing the Mexican Revolution and Depression-era New York that Rivera created at the Museum for his 1931–32 MoMA exhibition.

PINTA New York

This year PINTA, the Latin American fair of modern and contemporary art will have a brand new look when it opens its doors in New York from November 10th to the 13th. Its new location at 7 West 34th Street at 5th Avenue will accommodate fifty galleries and projects from the United States, Latin America and Europe.


PINTA New York

This year PINTA, the Latin American fair of modern and contemporary art will have a brand new look when it opens its doors in New York from November 10th to the 13th. Its new location at 7 West 34th Street at 5th Avenue will accommodate fifty galleries and projects from the United States, Latin America and Europe.

Shattered Glass

The National Council for Culture and the Arts, the National Institute of Fine Arts and the Carrillo Gil Art Museum invite to the exhibition Shattered Glass. Reinterpreting the Collection of the Carrillo Gil Art Museum, a fresh and renewed approach to the MACG Collection, through the notion of violence as the linchpin of research and content.


Shattered Glass

The National Council for Culture and the Arts, the National Institute of Fine Arts and the Carrillo Gil Art Museum invite to the exhibition Shattered Glass. Reinterpreting the Collection of the Carrillo Gil Art Museum, a fresh and renewed approach to the MACG Collection, through the notion of violence as the linchpin of research and content.

Ernesto Neto

Faena Arts Center, Buenos Aires, is presenting Ernesto Neto's exhibition, O Bicho SusPenso na PaisaGen (Bug Suspended in the Landscape), curated by Jessica Morgan, contemporary art curator at Tate Modern. A complete catalogue will release in December 2011.


Ernesto Neto

Faena Arts Center, Buenos Aires, is presenting Ernesto Neto's exhibition, O Bicho SusPenso na PaisaGen (Bug Suspended in the Landscape), curated by Jessica Morgan, contemporary art curator at Tate Modern. A complete catalogue will release in December 2011.

Symposium on New Methods

In recent years, Miami has become a market with an increased circulation of Latin American art. This has been the result of a number of favorable circumstances, among them...

By José Antonio Navarrete, Miami

Symposium on New Methods

By José Antonio Navarrete, Miami

In recent years, Miami has become a market with an increased circulation of Latin American art. This has been the result of a number of favorable circumstances, among them...

Marcel Broodthaers and Liliana Porter

The Incongruous Image proposes an improbable dialogue. This unusual exhibition features the work of Liliana Porter (B.1941, Buenos Aries, lives and works in New York) in relation to Marcel Broodthaers’s (1924, Brussels - 1976, Cologne). The show revisits the work produced by Liliana Porter from 1970 to the present and a selection of works by Marcel Broodthaers from the 1970s, exploring how the artists each combine visual elements which are apparently incompatible.

By Laura Bardier, New York

Marcel Broodthaers and Liliana Porter

By Laura Bardier, New York

The Incongruous Image proposes an improbable dialogue. This unusual exhibition features the work of Liliana Porter (B.1941, Buenos Aries, lives and works in New York) in relation to Marcel Broodthaers’s (1924, Brussels - 1976, Cologne). The show revisits the work produced by Liliana Porter from 1970 to the present and a selection of works by Marcel Broodthaers from the 1970s, exploring how the artists each combine visual elements which are apparently incompatible.

Lecture by Esteban Blanco

The Arts and Philosophy department at Miami Dade College’s (MDC) Wolfson Campus is presenting a lecture by visual artist Esteban Blanco as part of its Wolfson Focus on the Humanities series on Thursday, Oct. 20.


Lecture by Esteban Blanco

The Arts and Philosophy department at Miami Dade College’s (MDC) Wolfson Campus is presenting a lecture by visual artist Esteban Blanco as part of its Wolfson Focus on the Humanities series on Thursday, Oct. 20.

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