
Ernst and Hildy Beyeler Foto: Kurt Wyss

In accordance with the testamentary wishes of Ernst and Hildy Beyeler, the Galerie Beyeler at Baumleingasse 9 in Basel is closing. Its holdings will be sold at auction by Christie’s International on 21 and 22 June 2011 in London.


The Galerie Beyeler is Closing:

In accordance with the testamentary wishes of Ernst and Hildy Beyeler, the Galerie Beyeler at Baumleingasse 9 in Basel is closing. Its holdings will be sold at auction by Christie’s International on 21 and 22 June 2011 in London.

Circulo de Newton, Felipe Zuñida

The haudenschildGarage commissioned visual artist Felipe Zuñiga González to create a program for the students of Guillermo Prieto Elementary School.


Felipe Zuñiga creates Laboratorio Experimental de Óptica

The haudenschildGarage commissioned visual artist Felipe Zuñiga González to create a program for the students of Guillermo Prieto Elementary School.

The Observer Video Image

Anyone who takes a look at the effervescent art landscape in Miami is confused by the endless number of galleries, the rampant eclecticism, the uneven number of proposals and-more than anything- the lack of a serious systematization that plagues the galleries and the cultural institutions of the city.

By Janet Batet

MADA: Art, community, and social compromise

By Janet Batet

Anyone who takes a look at the effervescent art landscape in Miami is confused by the endless number of galleries, the rampant eclecticism, the uneven number of proposals and-more than anything- the lack of a serious systematization that plagues the galleries and the cultural institutions of the city.

Roberto Jacoby, 2003. Fotografía: Kiwi Sainz

Roberto Jacoby’s (Buenos Aires, 1944) work is characterized by a constant transit from the borderlines of artistic production.


Roberto Jacoby at the Reina Sofía Museum, Madrid

Roberto Jacoby’s (Buenos Aires, 1944) work is characterized by a constant transit from the borderlines of artistic production.

Rene Francisco. From the series Lying Bodies, 2010. Acrylic on canvas, 28 x 20 inches.

Cuban Visions, one of the largest and more complete exhibitions of contemporary Cuban art to ever show in New York City, opening May 27 at Metropolitan Pavilion as part of city-wide spring celebration ofCuban culture, alongside the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s Si Cuba Festival.


Cuban Visions at the Metropolitan Pavilion

Cuban Visions, one of the largest and more complete exhibitions of contemporary Cuban art to ever show in New York City, opening May 27 at Metropolitan Pavilion as part of city-wide spring celebration ofCuban culture, alongside the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s Si Cuba Festival.

Viking Funeral

[NAME] Publications invites to participate in a free workshop in the space of Artseen in Miami, with Viking Funeral, who is up next in [NAME]’s Miami Artists Series.


[NAME] Publications invites to a workshop with Viking Funeral

[NAME] Publications invites to participate in a free workshop in the space of Artseen in Miami, with Viking Funeral, who is up next in [NAME]’s Miami Artists Series.

Manuela Vierta-Gallo, Installation view at Behind Closed Doors Y Gallery, 2011

On April 1st, Y Gallery opened its new space at the Lower East Side with Signs of the Time, a show by Tom Fruin, curated by gallery director, Cecilia Jurado.


Neon Rumbles of War

On April 1st, Y Gallery opened its new space at the Lower East Side with Signs of the Time, a show by Tom Fruin, curated by gallery director, Cecilia Jurado.

 Matadero Madrid

Matadero Madrid, through its project El Ranchito, is promoting a new open call aimed at facilitating the creation of collaborative networks and fostering artistic production by providing residencies for artists and making work spaces available.


El Ranchito /Matadero Madrid - Calling for Residences and Work Spaces for Artists

Matadero Madrid, through its project El Ranchito, is promoting a new open call aimed at facilitating the creation of collaborative networks and fostering artistic production by providing residencies for artists and making work spaces available.

Fernanda Gomes, Sem Título (Untitled), 2004, wood, ca. 34×67 x 71”. All Gomes images courtesy of the artist and Galeria Luisa Strina.

The Brazilian artist Fernanda Gomes will present at OPA an exhibition conceived specifically for this occasion.


Brazilian artist Fernanda Gomes at OPA

The Brazilian artist Fernanda Gomes will present at OPA an exhibition conceived specifically for this occasion.

Economia de solidaritad, 2009 Ciutat de Mèxic, Mèxic

Tercerunquinto was created in 1998 in Monterrey, Mexico and it is composed of Julio Castro, Gabriel Cazares, and Rolando Flores.


TERCERUNQUINTO Exhibits Otros Fueros

Tercerunquinto was created in 1998 in Monterrey, Mexico and it is composed of Julio Castro, Gabriel Cazares, and Rolando Flores.

Gonzalo Lebrija, Entre la vida y la muerte, 2008. C-Print. 169 x 127 cm. Courtesy of Galerie Laurent Godin, Paris.

Dedicated to the Mexican contemporary art scene, this second issue of Peeping Tom's Digest presents 50 artists and art initiatives through articles and interviews conducted by some of the most prominent Mexican art figure.


Mexican Contemporary Art Scene in Peeping Tom's Digest #2: Mexico

Dedicated to the Mexican contemporary art scene, this second issue of Peeping Tom's Digest presents 50 artists and art initiatives through articles and interviews conducted by some of the most prominent Mexican art figure.

Luis Pérez-Oramas

Luis Pérez-Oramas, The Estrellita Brodsky Curator of Latin American Art, The Museum of Modern Art, New York has been named as chief curator for the 30th São Paulo International Biennial. He joined the museum in 2003 as adjunct curator of drawings and assumed his current post in 2006.


Sao Paulo Biennial Foundation Names Luis Pérez-Oramas as Curator for its 30th Edition

Luis Pérez-Oramas, The Estrellita Brodsky Curator of Latin American Art, The Museum of Modern Art, New York has been named as chief curator for the 30th São Paulo International Biennial. He joined the museum in 2003 as adjunct curator of drawings and assumed his current post in 2006.

Sandu Darie. Multivisión espacial, 1955. Óleo sobre lienzo Colección Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, La Habana.

The Juan March Foundation inaugurated in its Madrid headquarters the exhibition “Cold America. Latin American geometric abstraction (1934-1973)”, in order to map, in a fast and systematic way, the complex history of geometric abstraction in Latin America.



The Juan March Foundation inaugurated in its Madrid headquarters the exhibition “Cold America. Latin American geometric abstraction (1934-1973)”, in order to map, in a fast and systematic way, the complex history of geometric abstraction in Latin America.

Carlos Cruz-Diez, in the Chromo- Interference environment in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. The photo is © Jenny Antill.

Carlos Cruz-Diez: Color in Space and Time features more than 150 works from the artist’s wide-ranging career, selected from the Cruz-Diez Foundation Collection at the MFAH, and from major private and public collections around the world.


The Museum of Fine Art, Houston

Carlos Cruz-Diez: Color in Space and Time features more than 150 works from the artist’s wide-ranging career, selected from the Cruz-Diez Foundation Collection at the MFAH, and from major private and public collections around the world.

  Taller de Paul Graham en julio en Villa Iris

Fundación Botín, a Spanish institution created in 1964, launches a call for a new edition of the Visual Arts Grants and the Art Workshop, to be directed by Paul Graham.


Fundación Botín Launches a Call

Fundación Botín, a Spanish institution created in 1964, launches a call for a new edition of the Visual Arts Grants and the Art Workshop, to be directed by Paul Graham.

 33- Casino, 2005 Seda roja pongee, cuerda, goma, elementos varios, fibra óptica, tubos fluorescentes, ventiladores, sistema computarizado Instalación 400 x 1600 x 1200 cm Cortesía de la artista y Galerie Marian Goodman, París/New York

Beginning in May, and until the end of August 2011, the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso is presenting the first great retrospective to be exhibited in Mexico City.


Annette Messager at the Antiguo Colegio de San Idelfonso

Beginning in May, and until the end of August 2011, the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso is presenting the first great retrospective to be exhibited in Mexico City.

MOCA, Miami

The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), North Miami is hosting a three-day international symposium titled New Methods / Nuevos Métodos from May 4 - 6, 2011.


Symposium at MOCA, Miami

The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), North Miami is hosting a three-day international symposium titled New Methods / Nuevos Métodos from May 4 - 6, 2011.

Pablo Helguera, Quiosco/Kiosk

Pablo Helguera (Mexico City, 1971) has won the first edition of the International Award for Participatory Art.


Pablo Helguera Won the First Edition of the International Award for Participatory Art

Pablo Helguera (Mexico City, 1971) has won the first edition of the International Award for Participatory Art.


SOMA made its appearance as “ a school of experimental art” during that last January of the 2000s decade, when Mexican art became international.

By Adriana Herrera Téllez


By Adriana Herrera Téllez

SOMA made its appearance as “ a school of experimental art” during that last January of the 2000s decade, when Mexican art became international.

Silvia Martinez

A carefully selected roster of artists from Spain and Latin America with mediums that range from a custom made glass installation to photography and sculpture.


CCEMiami Presents its Lineup for Arteamericas 2011

A carefully selected roster of artists from Spain and Latin America with mediums that range from a custom made glass installation to photography and sculpture.

COSTA VECE Revolución / Patriotismo, 2005 - mixed media various dimensions Courtesy Franco Noero Gallery

Gallery V.M.21 Arte Contemporanea is glad to host the works of thirty international and Italian artists, carefully selected by Antonio Arévalo.


Motion of a Nation

Gallery V.M.21 Arte Contemporanea is glad to host the works of thirty international and Italian artists, carefully selected by Antonio Arévalo.

Mario Garcia Torres Je ne sais si c’en est la cause 2009

In a cab home after a marathon day of art fairs, seminars, cocktails, dinner, and more cocktails, a good friend of mine shared a saying of her grandfather.

By *Carmen Ferreyra

The Good, the Bad and the Neon

By *Carmen Ferreyra

In a cab home after a marathon day of art fairs, seminars, cocktails, dinner, and more cocktails, a good friend of mine shared a saying of her grandfather.

"Entre Siempre y Jamas" Pabellón América Latina  en la 54 Biennale di Venezia. Organiza el Instituto Italo-Latino Americano

Entre siempre y jamás (Between Always and Never) will be the title of the exhibition at The Latin American Pavilion organized by the Italo-Latin American Institute, IILA, for the 54th International Biennale di Venezia.


Entre Siempre y Jamás (Between Always and Never), the Exhibition of the Latin American Pavilion

Entre siempre y jamás (Between Always and Never) will be the title of the exhibition at The Latin American Pavilion organized by the Italo-Latin American Institute, IILA, for the 54th International Biennale di Venezia.

Grimanesa Amoros-Times Square Alliance Sculpture Project

Uros House, a site-specific, lighting sculpture installation by artist Grimanesa Amorós, was part of the Times Square Alliance’s Public Art Program/Armory Show exhibition.


Lighting Sculpture Installation by Grimanesa Amorós

Uros House, a site-specific, lighting sculpture installation by artist Grimanesa Amorós, was part of the Times Square Alliance’s Public Art Program/Armory Show exhibition.

Carlos Motta (Colombia, b. 1978) When, if ever, does one draw a line under the horrors of history in the interest of truth and reconciliation?, 2009 Serigrafía (portafolio de 10) Colección permanente del MOLAA

An international group of scholars, curators, museum directors and artists will discuss new approaches to the study and presentation of Latin American art in the 21st century


The Getty Center and MOLAA Organize an International Symposium About Latin American Art in the 21st Century

An international group of scholars, curators, museum directors and artists will discuss new approaches to the study and presentation of Latin American art in the 21st century

 "End of History… and the Return of History Painting"

The curator Paco Barragan presents the exhibition End of History… and the Return of History Painting at the Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem (MMKA) in Arnhem, The Netherlands.


The End of History…and The Return of History Painting at the MMKA in the Netherlands

The curator Paco Barragan presents the exhibition End of History… and the Return of History Painting at the Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem (MMKA) in Arnhem, The Netherlands.

Nicola y su doble - Frente al televisor - 2010 - Inkjet print - 111 x 178 cm - Daros Latinamerica Collection, Zürich

Nicola Costantino is one of Argentina's most intriguing and exciting artists.


Daros Latinamerica Collection Presents Nicola Costantino

Nicola Costantino is one of Argentina's most intriguing and exciting artists.

Sandu Darie Multivisión espacial, 1955. Óleo sobre lienzo Colección Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, La Habana

The Juan March Foundation inaugurated in its Madrid head quarters the exposition Cold America.


“Cold America”, Latin American Geometric Abstraction at the Juan March Foundation

The Juan March Foundation inaugurated in its Madrid head quarters the exposition Cold America.

 Luis Pérez-Oramas © 2011 The Art Institute of Chicago

Luis Pérez-Oramas, The Estrellita Brodsky Curator of Latin American Art, The Museum of Modern Art, New York has been named as chief curator for the 30th São Paulo International Bienal.


Sao Paulo Biennial Foundation Names Luis Pérez-Oramas as Curator for its XXX Edition

Luis Pérez-Oramas, The Estrellita Brodsky Curator of Latin American Art, The Museum of Modern Art, New York has been named as chief curator for the 30th São Paulo International Bienal.

Res, Argentinean, born 1957 Chica azul Blue Lady from the Conatus series in collaboration with Constanza Piaggio 2006 Chromogenic print Collection of Gail and Louis Adler © res

Cosmopolitan Routes: Houston Collects Latin American Art, the remarkable exhibition that celebrates the ten-year anniversary of the Latin American art department at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.


Cosmopolitan Routes: Houston Collects Latin American Art

Cosmopolitan Routes: Houston Collects Latin American Art, the remarkable exhibition that celebrates the ten-year anniversary of the Latin American art department at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

Carlos Cruz-Diez, Chromosaturation, 1965/2004. © 2010 Carlos Cruz-Diez / Artists Rights Society

Carlos Cruz-Diez: Color in Space and Time features more than 150 works from the artist’s wide-ranging career, culled from the Cruz-Diez Foundation collection at the MFAH, and major private and public collections around the world.


The Museum of Fine Art, Houston, Presents First Large-Scale Retrospective of Carlos Cruz-Diez

Carlos Cruz-Diez: Color in Space and Time features more than 150 works from the artist’s wide-ranging career, culled from the Cruz-Diez Foundation collection at the MFAH, and major private and public collections around the world.

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