La Panera Art Center of Lleida presents in its exhibition Descolonicemos el mundo(Decolonize the World) a conceptual tour through the production of Regina Jose Galindo (Guatemala City, Guatemala, 1974) in which a decolonizing approach prevails. Although in some cases of her work this process is not so evident, this view can be traced from the geographical experience of the artist's country of origin and its process of colonization and independence.

In this vision, the theory of storytelling takes on special importance, questioning how a narrative has been superimposed and consolidated from the colonizing powers over those territories and people of the Global South that some coin. Therefore, like any glimpse of a narrative, the images to dismantle it must also be political and evident and that are agglutinated in the work and the line of argument exposed by Regina José Galindo in three discursive spheres (racism, violence and extractivism).
In addition to the production that makes up this discourse, which is specifically focused on the beginning of the century, the Catalan institution has also included the execution of an ad-hoc performance that completes this tour. With Fruta amarga (Bitter Fruit), the artist links in a further turn of the screw the relationship of labour vulnerability of migrants who make up the majority of the groups of people who work in the fruit harvest.
Descolonicemos el mundo can be seen until September 29th at Centro de Arte La Panera, Plaza de La Panera, 2, Lleida (Spain).