After six years of his collaboration as a teacher in the Master's Degree in Curatorial Studies offered by the Museo Universidad de Navarra (MUN), Gabriel Pérez-Barreriro has been appointed as the institution's new artistic director. With extensive experience in university museums and other centers in Europe, the United States and Latin America, he is now the new head of the MUN's artistic strategy together with Teresa Lasheras, artistic director of performing arts and music.


Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro Barro (A Coruña, 1970) has been appointed artistic director of the Museo Universidad de Navarra (MUN), a center with which he has been collaborating for the past six years as associate professor of the Master's Degree in Curatorial Studies.


A graduate and PhD in Art History from the universities of Aberdeen and Essex, respectively -both in the United Kingdom-, the new artistic director is an expert in Latin American art. He has more than 30 years of professional experience in the art sector as a curator, cultural manager, teacher, researcher, writer and lecturer in museums and institutions in Europe, the United States and Latin America, where he has combined his profession with government positions.


His contributions as director and chief curator of the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, director of visual arts at the Americas Society in New York; curator-founder of the Essex Collection of Art From Latin American Art at the University of Essex; curator of Latin American art at the Blanton Museum of Art, the museum of the University of Texas at Austin; and as coordinator of exhibitions, publications and public programs at Casa de América, in Madrid, stand out. He has been chief curator of the 33rd Sao Paulo Biennial, the 6th Mercosul Biennial and the Brazilian pavilion at the 58th Venice Biennial.


Pérez-Barreiro will combine his new position with other honorary and advisory positions at MoMA (New York, United States), the Essex Collection of Latin American Art (Colchester, United Kingdom) and the Fundación Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (New York, Caracas, Madrid).

*Photo credits. Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro. University of Navarra Museum. Photo: Manuel Castells

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