Thanks to a private donation, the video Cebame (2019) and the installation Panoplia de mates culeros (2022) by artist Valentín Demarco entered the museum’s collection.

The recently acquired works consists in a video and a selection of mates, which recovers the tradition of Olavarría’s silverware and highlights a perspective of the mate as an object of sensorial enjoyment.
The installation Panoplia de mates culeros was conceived especially for the museum’s exhibition Del Cielo a casa: Conexiones e intermitencias en la cultura material argentina (From Heaven to Home: Connections and Intermittences in Argentinean Material Culture).
The exhibition had over 210.000 visitors throughout the four months it was open to public. It became the second exhibition most visited in the history of the museum, after Leandro Erlich’s Liminal (2019) show.
Families, students, Argentineans from all over the country and foreigners came to visit the exhibition that bet on an ethnographic look to approach material culture from the uses, customs, rituals and symbolisms that things generate in a society. Each object chosen awakened thousands of personal stories in visitors of different generations, bringing to the forefront the emotional memory of things.