Alberto Baraya (Bogota, Colombia, 1968) lands through El Naturalista Artificial, his alter ego for the occasion, his working method to research and search, in an almost expeditionary way, the knowledge and exotic objects of the world in Fábulas Goyescas, recently inaugurated at Fernando Pradilla in Madrid.

For this exhibition, the Colombian artist has focused on Francisco de Goya and the consolidation of his archetypal and symbolic representation lo español through a generally accepted imaginary in which bullfighting, popular dances and certain cainite elements play a leading role.
Using the great Spanish master's works as a point of departure and inspiration, Baraya reconfigures that exotic aspect of the idiosyncratic within the Spanish, incorporating into that catalogue of clichés elements that could become decontextualized if it were not for the contribution to that curious vision with which the artist intends to extend his previous project, Herbarium of artificial plants, and which he describes as an artistic tool for analyzing identities, decorative classifications, measuring votive tributes, collecting evidence of funerary rites or describing architectural and fashion accessories. “The development of my Herbarium had led me to search for specimens of false flora throughout the rest of the Iberian Peninsula and other European regions such as Sicily, Venice, Gdansk, London or Paris. I collected plastic flowers in the Moroccan Atlas region, the rainforests of Brazil, in the Andes and the Caribbean Sea, Colombia, and also in urban tours in Quito, Bogota, Lima, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro”. It was upon his return to the capital of Spain where the need to revitalize from other approaches his study of stereotypes, many of them reflected in Goya and which serve as a vehicle in this exhibition.
Fábulas goyescas is open until June 1 at Galería Fernando Pradilla, Claudio Coello, 20, Madrid, Spain.
From April 25 de abril to June 1, 2024
Galería Fernando Pradilla
Madrid, Spain