
Simón Vega: When Worlds Meet

What does it feel like to be a Salvadoran artist in the midst of an international career, with a creative practice that is entrenched in notions and experiences of home?

By Claire Breukel

Simón Vega: When Worlds Meet

By Claire Breukel

What does it feel like to be a Salvadoran artist in the midst of an international career, with a creative practice that is entrenched in notions and experiences of home?

September 12, 2013
_After the Object_

Referencing the maxim “after the artist”, which means that the work produced is not the work of artist X’, but that the work is done as a copy of, or in the style of, artist X'; five Mexican artists, Mauricio Limón, Quirarte & Ornelas, Omar Rodríguez-Graham, Moza Saracho and Marela Zacarias, reflect on what the art object is in contemporary art.

By Carlos Garcia Montero Protzel

_After the Object_

By Carlos Garcia Montero Protzel

Referencing the maxim “after the artist”, which means that the work produced is not the work of artist X’, but that the work is done as a copy of, or in the style of, artist X'; five Mexican artists, Mauricio Limón, Quirarte & Ornelas, Omar Rodríguez-Graham, Moza Saracho and Marela Zacarias, reflect on what the art object is in contemporary art.

September 11, 2013
Eduard Moreno

The conquest of the land through opencast mining seems to be the point of departure for the reflections that Eduard Moreno’s current exhibition at NC Arte, curated by Conrado Uribe, propose.

By Camilo Chico Triana

Eduard Moreno

By Camilo Chico Triana

The conquest of the land through opencast mining seems to be the point of departure for the reflections that Eduard Moreno’s current exhibition at NC Arte, curated by Conrado Uribe, propose.

September 11, 2013
Lais Myrrha

Her works are somewhat an ode to instability. In grayscale and minimalist aesthetics, Lais Myrrha investigates a syndrome that corrodes Brazil since its inception as the project of a nation.

By Silas Martí

Lais Myrrha

By Silas Martí

Her works are somewhat an ode to instability. In grayscale and minimalist aesthetics, Lais Myrrha investigates a syndrome that corrodes Brazil since its inception as the project of a nation.

September 11, 2013
Eugenio Espinoza + Andrés Michelena

This tandem project was structured through the dialogue of certain bodies of the work of two Venezuelan artists belonging to different generations: Eugenio Espinoza (b. 1950) and Andrés Michelena (b. 1963).

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

Eugenio Espinoza + Andrés Michelena

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

This tandem project was structured through the dialogue of certain bodies of the work of two Venezuelan artists belonging to different generations: Eugenio Espinoza (b. 1950) and Andrés Michelena (b. 1963).

August 29, 2013
_Junkies’ Promises_

Even though there is no direct connection with the narrative from the original William Burroughs’s novel Junky, there are conceptual similarities related to the notion of survival that Iván Navarro (artist / curator) uses as tropes to describe artistic creation.

By Carlos García Montero

_Junkies’ Promises_

By Carlos García Montero

Even though there is no direct connection with the narrative from the original William Burroughs’s novel Junky, there are conceptual similarities related to the notion of survival that Iván Navarro (artist / curator) uses as tropes to describe artistic creation.

August 29, 2013
Cecilia Paredes

De mil flechazos herido ” (“Wounded by a thousand arrow shots”), an allusion to a poem by Manuel González Prada, is the title of the intervention project presented by Cecilia Paredes at the Pedro de Osma Museum in Lima.

By Giuliana Vidarte

Cecilia Paredes

By Giuliana Vidarte

De mil flechazos herido ” (“Wounded by a thousand arrow shots”), an allusion to a poem by Manuel González Prada, is the title of the intervention project presented by Cecilia Paredes at the Pedro de Osma Museum in Lima.

August 29, 2013
Richard Garet

Between March 2 and April 13, Julian Navarro presented the exhibition “Richard Garet: Extraneous to the Message” at Mandragoras Art Space in Long Island City, NY.

By Cecilia Fajardo-Hill

Richard Garet

By Cecilia Fajardo-Hill

Between March 2 and April 13, Julian Navarro presented the exhibition “Richard Garet: Extraneous to the Message” at Mandragoras Art Space in Long Island City, NY.

August 12, 2013
Lotty Rosenfeld. For a poetics of rebellion.

Still immersed in the repercussions of the recent discussions on museology and its capacity to reinvent itself in order to showcase the new media, different institutions have set out to plan exhibitions aimed at showing, more or less successfully, the recordings, archives, and actions of artists working with the most ephemeral artistic expressions.


Lotty Rosenfeld. For a poetics of rebellion.

Still immersed in the repercussions of the recent discussions on museology and its capacity to reinvent itself in order to showcase the new media, different institutions have set out to plan exhibitions aimed at showing, more or less successfully, the recordings, archives, and actions of artists working with the most ephemeral artistic expressions.

August 12, 2013
Di Pascuale, Mandrile, Castiñeira and Chalub

With the opening of the exhibitions of works by Lucas Di Pascuale, Cecilia Mandrile, Romina Castiñeira and Luli Chalub, Córdoba’s Gnaro Pérez Museum, which lodges an important local painting collection, implemented an interesting exchange between the pioneering painters in its permanent collection and some of the most refreshing referents of the new generation.

By Pancho Marchiaro

Di Pascuale, Mandrile, Castiñeira and Chalub

By Pancho Marchiaro

With the opening of the exhibitions of works by Lucas Di Pascuale, Cecilia Mandrile, Romina Castiñeira and Luli Chalub, Córdoba’s Gnaro Pérez Museum, which lodges an important local painting collection, implemented an interesting exchange between the pioneering painters in its permanent collection and some of the most refreshing referents of the new generation.

August 11, 2013

The spacious Juan de Salazar Spanish Cultural Center in Asunción (Paraguay) hosts the group exhibition “Chaco [contemporary inventions]”, which alludes to the artistic fictions associated to the Great American Chaco region rather than to its geographical, historical and socio-political situation.

By Victoria Verlichak


By Victoria Verlichak

The spacious Juan de Salazar Spanish Cultural Center in Asunción (Paraguay) hosts the group exhibition “Chaco [contemporary inventions]”, which alludes to the artistic fictions associated to the Great American Chaco region rather than to its geographical, historical and socio-political situation.

July 25, 2013
_Electric Blue Night_

It is hard to notice, but the entire room is covered by a light touch of green, a muted color that sprawls across the walls and drowns the space in a sort of reminiscence of natural environment.

By Silas Martí

_Electric Blue Night_

By Silas Martí

It is hard to notice, but the entire room is covered by a light touch of green, a muted color that sprawls across the walls and drowns the space in a sort of reminiscence of natural environment.

July 25, 2013
Sergio Vega

Sergio Vega (Argentina, 1959) is featuring the exhibition “Disassembling Paradise”. A paradise he alludes to through two of his series, “Parrot Color Charts” and “Shanty Nucleus After Derrida 2”.

By Marivi Véliz

Sergio Vega

By Marivi Véliz

Sergio Vega (Argentina, 1959) is featuring the exhibition “Disassembling Paradise”. A paradise he alludes to through two of his series, “Parrot Color Charts” and “Shanty Nucleus After Derrida 2”.

July 11, 2013
On Painting

At a time when painting as a method, and its validity, are questioned from different fronts, the emergence of voices that somehow oppose those critiques is not undesirable.

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

On Painting

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

At a time when painting as a method, and its validity, are questioned from different fronts, the emergence of voices that somehow oppose those critiques is not undesirable.

July 11, 2013
Los Carpinteros

That the nave of Matadero, where the program for the development of specific projects, “Abierto x obras”, takes place, is one of the most interesting points in the artistic panorama of Madrid is a fact that few people deny.

By Alvaro de Benito Fernandez

Los Carpinteros

By Alvaro de Benito Fernandez

That the nave of Matadero, where the program for the development of specific projects, “Abierto x obras”, takes place, is one of the most interesting points in the artistic panorama of Madrid is a fact that few people deny.

July 11, 2013
Hernán Salamanco

Hernán Salamanco (Buenos Aires, 1974) insists on the fact that “painting is before and above all, (…) above everything else”. Vida espiritual is the vibrant result of his conviction, displayed at Slyzmud, a gallery that has been running for little more than a year.

By Victoria Verlichak

Hernán Salamanco

By Victoria Verlichak

Hernán Salamanco (Buenos Aires, 1974) insists on the fact that “painting is before and above all, (…) above everything else”. Vida espiritual is the vibrant result of his conviction, displayed at Slyzmud, a gallery that has been running for little more than a year.

June 28, 2013
Mónica Girón

In Fronterizo y traslación, at ZavaletaLab gallery, Mónica Girón (Argentina, 1959) gathers together works from different series, which include volumes in grey granite as well as watercolors on paper, reflecting a formal difference balanced with refinement and conceptual affinity.

By Victoria Verlichak

Mónica Girón

By Victoria Verlichak

In Fronterizo y traslación, at ZavaletaLab gallery, Mónica Girón (Argentina, 1959) gathers together works from different series, which include volumes in grey granite as well as watercolors on paper, reflecting a formal difference balanced with refinement and conceptual affinity.

June 28, 2013
Santiago Cárdenas

We had our first approach to the work of Santiago Cárdenas (Colombia, 1937) in Bogotá –inspired by an article by Galaor Carbonell.

By Beatriz Sogbe

Santiago Cárdenas

By Beatriz Sogbe

We had our first approach to the work of Santiago Cárdenas (Colombia, 1937) in Bogotá –inspired by an article by Galaor Carbonell.

June 28, 2013
Fabián Marcaccio

Fabián Marcaccio (Rosario, Argentina, 1963) has deservedly established himself as one of the most evident renovators of the Latin American pictorial language.


Fabián Marcaccio

Fabián Marcaccio (Rosario, Argentina, 1963) has deservedly established himself as one of the most evident renovators of the Latin American pictorial language.

June 13, 2013
Luis Brito

In 2006, the photographer Antolín Sánchez made a documentary film on the work of Luis Brito (Venezuela, Edo. Sucre, 1945).

By Beatriz Sogbe

Luis Brito

By Beatriz Sogbe

In 2006, the photographer Antolín Sánchez made a documentary film on the work of Luis Brito (Venezuela, Edo. Sucre, 1945).

June 13, 2013
Karina Peisajovich

Karina Peisajovich (Buenos Aires, 1966), whose work in recent years has been linked to her experiences related to the perceptive possibilities of light and movement, presented Totalmente, tácitamente at Vasari Gallery.

By Victoria Verlichak

Karina Peisajovich

By Victoria Verlichak

Karina Peisajovich (Buenos Aires, 1966), whose work in recent years has been linked to her experiences related to the perceptive possibilities of light and movement, presented Totalmente, tácitamente at Vasari Gallery.

May 29, 2013
José Luis Landet

To appropriate, make something one’s own. José Luis Landet (Argentina, 1977), who is having his first solo show in his native country at Document Art Gallery, works on the basis of this principle, the principle of original appropriation.

By Marcela Costa Peuser

José Luis Landet

By Marcela Costa Peuser

To appropriate, make something one’s own. José Luis Landet (Argentina, 1977), who is having his first solo show in his native country at Document Art Gallery, works on the basis of this principle, the principle of original appropriation.

May 29, 2013
Camila Ramirez

Wealth is badly distributed in the world. And this is even more so in countries which have carried out a fanatically capitalist economic policy, as is the case of Chile.

By Juan José Santos

Camila Ramirez

By Juan José Santos

Wealth is badly distributed in the world. And this is even more so in countries which have carried out a fanatically capitalist economic policy, as is the case of Chile.

May 22, 2013

The Museum of Memory is a space devoted to the testimonies of thousands of victims of the period of dictatorial regime in Chile.

By Juan José Santos


By Juan José Santos

The Museum of Memory is a space devoted to the testimonies of thousands of victims of the period of dictatorial regime in Chile.

May 16, 2013
Aníbal Vallejo

In Aníbal Vallejo’s recent series of paintings, different references to the history of painting may be perceived, among them, references to Claude Monet’s

By Camilo Chico Triana

Aníbal Vallejo

By Camilo Chico Triana

In Aníbal Vallejo’s recent series of paintings, different references to the history of painting may be perceived, among them, references to Claude Monet’s

May 16, 2013
José Luis Anzizar

In Urban Papers, José Luis Anzizar (Buenos Aires, 1962) continues his series Urban birdwatching, both visually and conceptually, marking itineraries and revealing movements which propose a reflection on the urban fabric and on perception.

By Victoria Verlichak

José Luis Anzizar

By Victoria Verlichak

In Urban Papers, José Luis Anzizar (Buenos Aires, 1962) continues his series Urban birdwatching, both visually and conceptually, marking itineraries and revealing movements which propose a reflection on the urban fabric and on perception.

May 16, 2013
Antonio Ugarte

It is difficult to partake of two fine art disciplines. Antonio Ugarte (Venezuela, 1961) is a photographer and a painter. The exhibition “Sombras de museo” (“Museum Shadows”) is based on his inquiries into photography.

By Beatriz Sogbe

Antonio Ugarte

By Beatriz Sogbe

It is difficult to partake of two fine art disciplines. Antonio Ugarte (Venezuela, 1961) is a photographer and a painter. The exhibition “Sombras de museo” (“Museum Shadows”) is based on his inquiries into photography.

May 02, 2013
_Between Two Continents: Spanish Geometric Abstraction in Latin America_

Starting with its title, this exhibition rescues an almost forgotten chapter in the global history of geometric abstraction, which was the axis of the modernist dream in Spain.

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

_Between Two Continents: Spanish Geometric Abstraction in Latin America_

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

Starting with its title, this exhibition rescues an almost forgotten chapter in the global history of geometric abstraction, which was the axis of the modernist dream in Spain.

May 02, 2013
Humberto Vélez

In his presentation in Buenos Aires, Humberto Vélez (Panamá, 1965) exhibits, in the first place, the film The Last Builder (El último físicoculturista / El último constructor), 2008, with Dionisio Herrera González in the leading role, showing his sculpted body to the sound of Nikola Kodjabashia’s music.

By Victoria Verlichak

Humberto Vélez

By Victoria Verlichak

In his presentation in Buenos Aires, Humberto Vélez (Panamá, 1965) exhibits, in the first place, the film The Last Builder (El último físicoculturista / El último constructor), 2008, with Dionisio Herrera González in the leading role, showing his sculpted body to the sound of Nikola Kodjabashia’s music.

April 30, 2013
Amalia Caputo

Amalia Caputo (Venezuela, 1964) has an obsession with objects. This does not apply only to found objects, but also to those which are sought, used, discarded, and whose eventual role, assigned to them by the new users, she wants to keep track of..

By Beatriz Sogbe

Amalia Caputo

By Beatriz Sogbe

Amalia Caputo (Venezuela, 1964) has an obsession with objects. This does not apply only to found objects, but also to those which are sought, used, discarded, and whose eventual role, assigned to them by the new users, she wants to keep track of..

April 30, 2013
_Listening to Time (On the way of perceiving and other reasons_ in the work of Glenda León).

In the year 2000, artist Glenda León (Havana, 1976) left small frozen flowers inside ice cubes upon the tables of a bar.


_Listening to Time (On the way of perceiving and other reasons_ in the work of Glenda León).

In the year 2000, artist Glenda León (Havana, 1976) left small frozen flowers inside ice cubes upon the tables of a bar.

April 30, 2013
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