To paint the forest beings is the Special Project of Pinta Miami 2024. Curated by Irene Gelfman and Giuliana Vidarte, it brings together paintings by Shipibo-konibo indigenous artists with representations of the flora, fauna and cosmovision of the Peruvian Amazon to rethink the past, present and future of the planet.

To paint the forest beings is a call to question how we relate to our environment, to imagine forms of coexistence that preserve both biodiversity and the cultures that have learned to coexist in harmony with it. These are Shipibo-konibo indigenous artists from different generations who have found in their work a way to connect past and present, reaffirming their identity and transmitting ancestral knowledge in a globalized context.
In a context marked by environmental crisis and cultural fragmentation, these paintings emerge as an affirmation of resistance. There is a quest to preserve the stories of the past –a cosmovision that remained on the periphery–, but they also offer perspectives for the future. By questioning the dynamics of consumption and exploitation that endanger the Amazon, Shipibo-konibo artists open a window to other ways of existing, where respect and coexistence are fundamental. The notion of belonging to a place and a time expands.
In addition, not only are past, present and future connected, but there is also an intertwining of the earthly and the mystical or divine. Kené geometric patterns syncretize plants, animals, humans and spirits, with designs that evoke interactions in balance with nature and representations of the mythology and collective memory of the community.
The works do not seek to be a passive reflection of a community's stories but a powerful echo that resonates with the need for action. In this sense, To paint the forest beings not only connects worlds, but also invites the viewer to actively participate in the construction of an intercultural dialogue.
In a fair like Pinta Miami, which celebrates the diversity of Latin American art, this Special Project reaffirms the role of indigenous art as a pillar of the continent's collective identity and as a guiding light that illuminates possible futures.
Corazon Sagrada Familia_Jessica Silvano
Cordelia Sanchez_Rio Virgen, 2024_35 x 35 cm_
Harry Pinedo Inin Metsa (Ucayali, Perú, 1988) Chullachaqui llevando la caza (2024) Acrílico sobre tela _ Acrylic on canvas 80 x 97 cm _ 31.5 x 38 inches
Roldán Pinedo Shoyan Shëca (Ucayali, Perú, 1971) El delfín rosado (2024) Acrílico sobre tela _ Acrylic on canvas 87 x 150 cm _ 34 x 59 inches
Roldán Pinedo Shoyan Shëca (Ucayali, Perú, 1971) Los animales del bosque amazónico (2024) Acrílico sobre tela _ Acrylic on canvas 80 x 120 cm _ 31.5 x 47 inches
Soi Noma_Tres Generaciones 2024 acrílico sobre lienzo 96.5 x 94.5 cm
Soi Noma_Xao Kene, Los ojos de la anaconda_2024_Acrilico sobre tela_94 x 96 cm
Pinta Miami
December 5 to 8, 2024
The Hangar, 3385 Pan American Drive, Cocont Grove, Miami, USA